The Cosmic Creations Collection

From sacred geometry to synchronistic mathematics, the universe is shown to be an intelligent design, far from cosmic coincidence. This omnipresent matrix is bound to a sacred canon of number and geometry, an ancient and esoteric system of divine proportion. Unbeknownst to most -and held sacred by a select few- this knowledge is being rediscovered once again. Cosmic Creations coalesce consciousness through the exploration of the Quadrivium. By transforming esoteric concepts into exoteric knowledge, we’ll understand the nature of reality while purging materialism from the collective unconscious, destroying the new world order & returning harmony to Earth.  The Cosmic Creations Collection [over 16 GB] The CCC features over 500 original high quality illustrations in jpg format loaded on an sd-card.  It includes over 100,000 other images/photos/illustrations/infographics neatly organized into different sections based upon sacred geometry, astronomy, music theory, ancient civilizations, megaliths, pyramidology, geomancy, physics,…

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The Archimedean Solids & Their Dual Catalan Solids

The Archimedean solids and their duals the Catalan solids are less well known than the Platonic solids.  Whereas the Platonic solids are composed of one shape, these forms that Archimedes wrote about are made of at least two different shapes, all forming identical vertices.  They are 13 polyhedra of this type.  And since each solid has a ‘dual’ there are also 13 Catalan solids.  There are 26 in total.  If  our two-dimensional letters of the alpha-bet were three dimensional forms, these solids would be a great representation of our language.

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Palindromic Squares

Palindromic Squares

A palindrome is a word, phrase, or number which reads the same backward or forward.  The squares of 10, 11, 12, and 13 fit the bill.  It breaks down after that since 15 squared is 225, and 51 squared is 2601. Why only these 4 or arguably 3 numbers? Does this give credence to the notion that base 10 is an innate numerical matrix to our reality? Did we invent the decimal system or did we observe patterns in the numbers themselves and organize them according to nature? What is it about ten that makes numbers so easily scalable and calculable? I found this gem in a book by Marty Leeds.  I added the ten squared to it.  It works of course if you put two zeros before the one on the right side.  It’s weird how this works for 10, 11, 12, and 13.…

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