Synergistic Mathemagics in the Solar System

The way we measure space and time is based on a synergistic and mathemagical canon of number that’s intrinsic to our solar system as well as the proportions of man. As above so below. It just so happens that the Moon’s diameter is almost exactly 2160 miles (99.99+%), the same amount of degrees on the surface of a cube. Earth’s circumference at the equator is almost exactly 21,600 nautical miles. (99.9+%) The Earth and Moon ‘square the circle‘ Square the Circle: The Moon is the perfect size to solve the riddle. It’s huge in fact, larger than any other in proportion to its planet. Some say we have a double planet system. The Moon is 27.3% the size of Earth. It also happens to take 27.3 days to complete an orbit around Earth. Need I point out the fact that the Moon influences our emotions. Women’s menstruation cycles last…