The Universe As It Really Is: Dolan Theory

Do you believe that the Earth is a sphere? Yes? Good. However, if you also believe that you live on the outside of a solid body, you may be making a common mistake.    

(05.10.2010) courtesy of EVOLVER

Even in ancient times, the great thinkers could no longer accept the idea that the world was flat. Pythagoras disliked this view in the 6th century BC, mainly for aesthetic reasons; around 200 years later, Aristotle also provided scientific explanations for the spherical shape of the earth.

Soon after, Eratosthenes even calculated its circumference – with astonishing accuracy. However, no one knew anything about the exact composition of the globe. In the 17th century, the English astronomer Edmond Halley (after whom the famous comet was later named) published a treatise in which he described the Earth as a hollow sphere, inside of which two other shells rotate around a central core.

In 1818, the American John Cleves Symmes junior postulated that this hollow sphere had openings at the poles that were 12 to 16 degrees wide, through which one could reach the interior by sailing at sea. He expected to find land and living creatures there. His theory was well received around the world. An expedition was to be equipped, but Symmes died shortly before it.

The problem of gravity, however (what would hold the ocean and the ship on both sides of the shell?) could only be solved in the next thought process: We are already inside the sphere, which therefore encloses the universe with its celestial bodies.

Unfortunately, this elegant hypothesis was first promoted by a spiritualist eccentric (and later cult founder) named Cyrus Reed Teed. His experiments in collaboration with the surveyor Ulysses Grant Morrow (construction of an oversized “spirit level” on the beach, the extension of which ultimately intersects the sea surface) also lacked scientific precision.

Later, ideas about the “inner world” were found in the para-religious ideology of National Socialism. To this day, “The New World View” (1933) by the German Johannes Lang is often quoted when the hollow earth is mentioned.

In fact, the idea is impressive due to its extensive compatibility with physical findings; in fact, the effects of the theory of relativity are indispensable. One of the few who tried to support this interpretation of the cosmos with solid facts was the Austrian engineer Johann Dolanski, who gave his name to the Dolan theory. In 1963, the civil engineer published his treatise “The Universe as it really is”.

We at EVOLVER are proud to now present to you the unabridged original version of this work.

For the first time on the Internet (and with the kind permission of the author’s daughter, Helene Dolanski), you can now follow one of the most fascinating theories on the structure of the cosmos. In 12 episodes, we show you the universe every Tuesday – as it shouldn’t actually be according to current teachings.

At this point we would like to give a piece of advice to all those who shout “nonsense!” with a conditioned reflex: Think about it. What do you really know? How much of what you have been taught have you actually checked yourself – at least in your mind?

And now we leave the floor to Mr. Dolanski himself. Here is his introduction; the continuation will follow next week.


In the field of astronomical science, in addition to valuable findings, theories and hypotheses have often been put forward which contain numerous contradictions and are contrary to the fundamental laws of physics, mechanics, electrical engineering, surveying and other fields of knowledge. They are therefore useless.

In particular, the theories of Copernicus, Kepler and Newton, on which all astronomical observations and calculations are currently based, contradict the simplest principles of today’s technical and scientific knowledge.

The last hundred years can be described as the “technological age” because many more and more epoch-making inventions and discoveries were made during this period than in the entire history of the world before.

This was possible mainly because a large number of independent thinkers and people with a wide range of scientific training systematically developed and implemented their ideas. Since these were new, previously unknown fields of knowledge, the relevant official bodies did not stand in the way, as is often the case to the detriment of progress.

Only in astronomical science does one still believe in medieval magic formulas and have ideas about the events on our earth and in space that an independently thinking person cannot accept without contradiction.

It is a well-known fact that only a few people are capable of thinking independently beyond their own narrow horizons ; all the others, however, regard everything they have learned in schools and from books as irrefutably correct and insist on it. In many cases, however, it is precisely such people who often hold positions in scientific affairs where they prevent any progress, often unconsciously.

It is therefore not surprising that it is generally claimed that the Copernicus theory and the hypotheses related to it have been so proven that they no longer require proof.

In reality, however, these theories and hypotheses, despite their scientific veneer, are just empty slogans because they are not scientifically based and cannot be confirmed by appropriate experiments.

The artificial “satellites” and “moon rockets” also fall into this category. As can be seen from some publications on the subject, these are greatly exaggerated and irresponsible boasting, no matter how much they are exaggerated for propaganda purposes.

The arrogance of some astronomical scientists, especially those who have had a very one-sided education and no technical studies behind them, often goes so far that they treat arrogantly and condescendingly all those who dare to point out the many contradictions and outright impossibilities of the Copernicus-Kepler-Newton theories.

In the present treatise “The Universe as it Really Is” it is demonstrated in an unbiased and technically and scientifically sound manner that the Copernicus-Kepler-Newton theories and all the observations and calculations based on them are misleading, and therefore false and useless.

The universe and the course of everything that happens on earth and in space are presented in this treatise in a factual and scientifically sound manner, so that everything can be verified by precise measurements and corresponding experiments and can withstand any factual criticism.

Vienna 1963
EVOLVER editorial team
The Universe as it Really Is: Dolan Theory
Johann Dolanski (1963)
Matthias Marschik (ed., 2008)



The Dolan Theory: Episode 1

Do you believe that the Earth is a sphere?

Yes? Good. However, if you also believe that you live on the outside of a solid body, you may be making a common mistake.    12.10.2010

In 1963, the Austrian Johann Dolanski published a treatise on the controversial hollow earth paradigm. EVOLVER has come across one of the now out-of-print copies and is presenting the unabridged text, with illustrations from the original edition, for the first time on the Internet.

In the foreword – which we have added to it with a brief outline of historical theories of the universe – the author questioned common hypotheses and announced technical and scientific reasons for his doubts. This episode (which includes the sections “Historical” and the beginning of “The Copernicus-Kepler-Newton Theory”) deals, among other things, with gravity and contradictions in the course of lunar eclipses.


Humans, naturally gifted with reason, have been carefully observing not only their environment but also space and the stars since prehistoric times, because the course of events in space, especially the movements of the sun and the moon, has had a profound influence on their existence.

Explanations were sought as to how these regularly recurring natural phenomena come about and how they occur.

After having more contact with foreign countries and an exchange of ideas with these peoples, people came to the view that the earth was a sphere around which the moon, the sun and the planets each moved separately in a spherical shell. The earth was considered to be the center of the world .

The Ptolemaic world system, as it is called, was modified in various ways and remained valid until modern times.

The discovery of America and circumnavigation of the world confirmed that the earth was round .

But there are two possibilities here: the convex and the concave curvature of our earth’s surface.

In modern history, three astronomical scientists in particular have come to the fore:

In the sixteenth century, Copernicus (1473-1543) put forward a new theory that not the earth but the sun was the center of the world system, around which the earth, the moon and the other planets move in elliptical orbits.

Kepler , who lived a little later (1571-1630), theoretically supplemented this system with the so-called Kepler’s laws .

The English physicist Isaac Newton (1642-1727) added the final piece to these purely theoretical considerations by formulating the so-called law of mass attraction.

According to this theory, there is a mutually attractive force between all celestial bodies, which is greater the greater the mass of the celestial bodies in question.

Although contemporaries, especially church authorities, resisted this representation of the universe because it contradicted their religious teachings, these theories and hypotheses nevertheless became more and more accepted and continue to form the basis of all astronomical observations and calculations to this day.

Astronomical scientists claim that the Copernicus-Kepler-Newton theories have been so proven that they no longer require proof; in reality , these theories and hypotheses contain so many fundamental contradictions and striking impossibilities that, from a scientific point of view, they must be described as completely incorrect and meaningless.

In the later sections of this treatise, several of these contradictions will be discussed in more detail, which are intended to show how thoughtless and unscientific the astronomical science is still treated today, in an age of highly developed technical sciences.

After the First World War , a new theory was developed based on the hollow earth idea . This theory assumes a stationary hollow sphere of the earth in which a very small sphere of stars, as well as the sun, moon and planets, rotate .

One imagines this as a “radiation pressure” coming from the center of the stellar sphere, pushing everything onto the surface of the earth.

Even with this so-called Neupert-Lang hollow earth theory, one cannot explain all processes on Earth and in space in a scientifically sound way; one must go much further!

Through decades of observations, experiments and measurements on a real and exact scientific basis, results have been achieved that show a completely different world view than that envisioned by astronomical scholars in recent centuries.

One just has to have the courage to break away from the naive views on the “infinite universe” taught in schools and to correctly evaluate the results obtained on the basis of precise technical and scientific research and experiments.

This leads to the conclusion that our Earth cannot be a free-floating solid sphere, but is a rotating hollow sphere with a diameter of 12,760 km, in the center of which there is a dull, translucent star sphere with a diameter of about 7,000 km.

Through its rotating movement from west to east, the hollow sphere of the earth moves around the stellar sphere once a day, towards the stars.

The sun and moon also move from west to east, at different speeds, around this starry sphere.

The other planets mostly move within the stellar sphere.

The extensive observations, as well as the intensive experimental and research work, as well as the detailed explanations thereof are presented in detail in the following sections.



According to the Copernicus theory, the free-floating Earth rotates around itself once a day, also flies at an angle (67 degrees) to its trajectory and at a speed a hundred times that of a jet fighter, i.e. at 106,000 km per hour through airless space around the sun, taking the moon, 384,000 km away, with it through its “gravitational pull”.

The following was found:

1. It is technically completely impossible for the enormously large and heavy globe of the Earth to float freely, at an angle to its trajectory and continuously fly through space under its own power or under the power of the sun at a speed a hundred times that of a jet fighter and take the moon, 384,000 km away, with it through its “gravitational pull”.

Even on a scaled drawing (Fig. 1) one can see that a 13 m/m sized globe of the Earth would not exert any attraction on a pea-sized moon at a distance of 38 cm and, given the Earth’s alleged enormous flight speed (106,000 km/h), it would not be able to take this distant moon with it either.

Conversely, a moon so far away could not cause high and low tides on Earth, as is actually the case.

In the scaled drawing (Fig. 1), due to lack of space, the full distance between the two celestial bodies (38 cm) could not be maintained and one must therefore imagine the scaled distance to be extended as indicated.

The trajectory of the earth in one hour , in comparison with its size, must also be drawn to scale in order to see that enormous forces would have to be required to constantly move the enormous and heavy globe through space at such a rapid speed. Moreover, in a world where everything is arranged sensibly and appropriately, it would make no sense for the earth to have to fly around the sun at such a rapid speed in order to be illuminated from all sides, since all this can be achieved much more easily.

2. The vast, connected world ocean would inevitably drain away on a round, solid spherical earth, despite alleged attraction , because any water, even at the slightest inclination (see spirit level), immediately flows to deeper places.

If one looks at a globe , even a layman will definitely agree with the view that the world ocean, especially in the southern hemisphere, could never remain on the earth’s surface due to any gravitational forces.

3. Even we ourselves could not stand and walk completely freely and vertically, as is the case, on all locations of the round, solid sphere Earth, which rotates and races through space without sticking .

4. Despite the attraction, the Earth’s atmosphere would definitely be lost if the solid spherical Earth were to fly through airless or air-thinned space, especially with the claimed tremendous speed and rotation, because according to the laws of physics, any gas spreads unhindered in a vacuum.

5. There is no “attraction” or force of attraction of the earth or other celestial bodies at all and it is an empty concept that cannot be proven by anything . If there were a mutual force of attraction between the celestial bodies, the celestial bodies or other objects would have to be brought closer to each other by the attraction, but would not be pushed sideways at tremendous speed.

Experiments were carried out at Erzberg in Styria, where it was shown that even an iron pendulum hanging on a long thread is not attracted in the slightest by a massive rock of iron ore. Other materials are therefore even less likely to be attracted!

6. In the case of a partial lunar eclipse, where the moon is rising in the east and the sun has just set in the west, for example on August 5, 1952, when the eclipse occurs, according to the Copernicus theory, this eclipse would have to begin at the bottom of the full moon and the shadow circle on the moon would have to be open downwards, because the earth is below our location and below our horizon.

In reality, however, in such a constellation the eclipse always begins at the top of the moon and the shadow circle is also too open at the top.

Certainly, some astronomical scientists have also noticed this obvious contradiction, but instead of investigating the causes of this situation, which is impossible for their theory, they ask the very naive question of what else could cause the eclipse of the moon if it is not our globe!

In Figure 3 you can see the globe according to the Copernicus theory and, in the Vienna location, a tangential plane to our horizon. It makes no difference for the proof here if the sun and the moon are assumed to be wider and larger than the picture shows; the result is always the same.

On August 5, 1952, the full moon had just risen in the east at 7:24 p.m. and the sun had just set in the west. Setting at 7:26 p.m.

The eclipse began at 7:33 p.m., 9 minutes after moonrise and 7 minutes after sunset.

Given this situation, it is clear that the globe, which lies below our position and below our horizon, would necessarily cast its shadow downwards at the full moon, and the circle of shadow would also have to be open downwards.

Since this is not the case, but the other way around, this is clear proof that the Copernicus theory and the hypotheses related to it are completely incorrect.



The Dolan Theory: Episode 2

In 1963, the Austrian Johann Dolanski published a treatise on the controversial hollow earth paradigm. EVOLVER has come across one of the now out-of-print copies and is presenting the unabridged text, with illustrations from the original edition, for the first time on the Internet.

In the foreword – which we have added to include a brief outline of historical theories of the universe – the author questioned common hypotheses and announced technical and scientific reasons for his doubts.

The last episode dealt with gravity and lunar eclipses, among other things. Today, in the second part of the chapter “The Copernicus-Kepler-Newton Theory”, contradictions in the appearance of individual celestial bodies are discussed using specific constellations.


7. If the sun is perpendicular to the equator in March or September and, according to the Copernicus theory , has a diameter of 100 times that of the earth, it would have to outshine both of the earth’s poles and polar night could never occur at either of the earth’s poles at these times.

In Figure 4 you can see the size ratio of the sun to the earth according to the Copernicus theory. The earth would be like a tiny speck of dust in infinite space.

8. During the total solar eclipse observed in Central Africa on February 25, 1952 at 11 a.m., it was also shown that the almost vertical sun, which, due to the claimed enormous distance of 148,650,000 km, sends its rays almost parallel to the earth, formed a shadow strip of the lunar sphere on the earth that was only 120 km wide . Given its size, the moon should cast a shadow of about 3,482 km wide on the earth, similar to how a high-flying airplane forms a sharply defined shadow the size of the airplane on the earth’s surface when the sun is high in the sky.

Astronomical scientists try to clarify this obvious contradiction by means of a drawing such as the one in Figure 5, which also appears in all astronomical works.

In this so-called proof, the sun, moon and earth are crowded together in a very small space, and the claimed size and distance relationships are not taken into account at all. Thinking people cannot be expected to provide proofs using such purpose-built constructions. Strangely enough, however, all scientists accept them without objection. Such “proofs” are completely useless.

9. Only a few scientists know that the “waxing moon” can be seen illuminated until the full moon in the northern hemisphere on the right, in the southern hemisphere on the left , and at the equator even below .

With the “Waning Moon” everything is of course the other way round.

On a scaled drawing (Fig. 1) you can see that according to the Copernicus theory this would be completely impossible because the moon would be far too far away compared to the size of the earth to be able to see the lunar phases in this way.

The “waxing moon”, for example, would always be seen illuminated on the right from the northern and southern hemispheres at the same time !

As Figure 6 shows, only from the hollow spherical shape of the Earth, where the Moon and the stellar sphere are located within the hollow sphere, can one perceive such a different visibility of the individual phases of the Moon from the northern and southern hemispheres.

10. If the fixed stars are many “light years” away , i.e. practically infinitely far, they should always appear in the same shape and size, as well as in the same position relative to each other. But this is not the case.

From the northern hemisphere , you can see the star “Sirius” on the left and “Orion” on the right in the celestial vault.

From the southern hemisphere you see Sirius on the right and Orion on the left , upside down in the sky.

This different visibility of the position of the two celestial bodies relative to each other is again only possible from the hollow sphere of the Earth, because the sphere of stars with the celestial bodies is located within the hollow sphere of the Earth. See Figure 16. (In episode 9 of this series; editor’s note)

The constellation Ursa Major also has a certain shape and size when it is near our zenith in the evening from the northern hemisphere ; moreover, the North Star is lower than this constellation.

When the Earth has made a third of a rotation during the night , the “Big Bear” is in the wrong position; it appears greatly enlarged and almost reaches the horizon. Moreover, the North Star is then higher than the Big Bear. This different visibility is also only possible from the hollow sphere Earth.

11. The moon can often be seen at the same time in the North and South Polar countries . The sun, which according to the Copernicus theory is a hundred times larger and more than three hundred times further from the earth than the moon, should therefore also be seen at the same time from the two Polar countries, because the view of the sun, apart from its enormous size, would be less obstructed by the curvature of the earth than that of the moon, due to its much greater distance from the earth.

In reality, you can see the moon in the North and South Polar countries at the same time, but in the Earth’s polar countries the sun is only visible above the horizon for half a year at a time; the other half of the year is polar night there!

12. Scientists all over the world have not yet been able to scientifically explain “space radiation”, which is an extremely important factor in world events .

This failure of science is due to the fact that the universe has so far only been viewed from the perspective of the Copernicus-Kepler-Newton theory. But since these principles are completely incorrect, one can never arrive at a positive result in this way.

13. In space, even through the currently largest telescope in the world at Mount Palomar with a mirror diameter of 5 m, one can only see points of light and nebulae , apart from the sun, moon and planets, but no other suns or solar systems , as astronomical scientists claim.

14. Nor can one cite as proof of the correctness of the Copernicus-Kepler-Newton theory, as is often done, that solar and lunar eclipses can be predicted because the Chinese predicted solar eclipses 2,000 years before our era and Thales of Miletus 585 years before our era, although they adopted a completely different world view than the astronomers of today.

Despite all these contradictions and blatant impossibilities, astronomers and other scientists cling to the Copernicus-Kepler-Newton theory with incomprehensible stubbornness, because they consider everything they have learned in schools and from books to be indisputably correct. Moreover, most of them cannot and do not want to muster the courage to think for themselves , particularly because they have almost always had a very one-sided education and no comprehensive technical and scientific training.

All of the above examples show that the Copernicus theory and the hypotheses related to it are completely incorrect. These theories are therefore useless and can therefore never be used as a basis for scientific observations and calculations of the universe.

Johann Dolanski (1963)

Even after the publication of the previous episode , there was no one among the critical commentators who was able to objectively refute the effects described; we are curious to see whether this time there will be anyone among the unbelievers who has ever looked through an eyepiece themselves….

In any case, next week we will continue here with the section “What are the causes of these errors?”, which deals with light refraction and optical illusions.

EVOLVER editorial team

The Universe as it Really Is
Dolan theory
Ing. Johann Dolanski (1963)
Matthias Marschik (ed., 2008)



In 1963, the Austrian Johann Dolanski published a treatise on the controversial hollow earth paradigm. EVOLVER has come across one of the now out-of-print copies and is presenting the unabridged text, with illustrations from the original edition, for the first time on the Internet.

In the foreword – which we have supplemented with a brief outline of historical theories of the universe – the author questioned common hypotheses and announced technical and scientific reasons for his doubts.

In the last episode – the second part of the chapter “The Copernicus-Kepler-Newton Theory” – contradictions in the appearance of individual celestial bodies were discussed using specific constellations. Today we are dealing with the interpretation of optical effects that are due to the diffraction of light.


One of the main causes of all errors and ambiguities in astronomical science is the incorrect assessment of the refraction or curvature of light in the various layers of air above the earth’s surface.

From one location on Earth, we can see fairly accurately for a few kilometers horizontally. We can also see correctly what is at the zenith of our location . However, the further a star, a cloud or an airplane is from the zenith, the greater the visual defect becomes, because the refraction of light towards the horizon becomes increasingly greater.

Due to its enormous size (approx. 7,000 km in diameter) and the refraction of light, the star sphere also appears to us as if it were reaching up to or beyond the horizon.

Even the North Star , which plays a very important role for all observations and measurements, is not where we see it, but somewhat higher up.

The different types of light refraction through the layers of air above the earth’s surface, which increase towards the horizon, can also be observed when observing the sun’s path.

When the sun is high in the sky in summer, it appears to travel a certain distance in an hour due to the rotation of the earth at midday, which can be measured in degrees of arc. With each subsequent hour, the arc of the sun’s path appears to grow larger and larger. If the earth were a solid sphere, the setting sun could not actually have reached the horizon yet if the arc remained the same. Compare this to the hour division of a sundial!

This is even more evident in the equatorial regions when the sun is directly above the location at 12 noon in March or September.

See Fig. 7

If the hollow earth rotates by 15 degrees every hour from 12 noon, the sun appears to move faster and faster every hour from 12 noon onwards due to the refraction of light until it sets at 6 p.m. This sunset takes place so quickly in the equatorial regions that night begins without twilight .

Here, too, it is particularly clear that, without the influence of refraction, the sun could not have reached the horizon if the earth were a full sphere.

When special atmospheric conditions occur , such as after thunderstorms, when the rays of light glide over the layers of haze, one can sometimes see the setting sun high in the sky or see mountain ridges and other striking landscapes clearly above the horizon , which one would not be able to see at all if the earth were convex .

Similar observations are also often made in desert areas and are called “Fata Morgana” .

Even in the Marchfeld Plain, northeast of Vienna, for example, you can see the horizon at the same height over the large flat area at a distance of about 50 kilometers and the clouds also reach down to the horizon.

However, when a foehn (southern wind) occurs, visibility becomes significantly wider and clearer. You can then see the Schneeberg, 150 kilometers away, very clearly and distinctly. A similar observation was made from the Zugspitze in April 1952 and described in the “Wiener Kurier” on April 22, 1952. The visibility across the earth’s surface at that time extended to 500 kilometers and the setting sun could be seen high in the sky.

All of this could not be seen in the same way if the earth were convex, i.e. if the earth were a solid sphere!

On larger lakes and at sea, one can observe from the flat shore that the further away the boats and ships are, the higher they are visible until they finally disappear above the horizon. The horizon is higher than the tangent to the water level near the observer.

The disappearance of vehicles behind the horizon on large lakes and at sea has so far been interpreted by all scientists as proof that our earth is a full sphere. But this is a fallacy!

Exact experiments and systematic measurements were carried out on standing waters , especially on Lake Neusiedl, Lake Constance and the Mediterranean Sea near Genoa, and were also recorded in photographs, which show that completely different results can be achieved if one proceeds systematically and in terms of surveying techniques correctly.

At Lake Neusiedl, a wooden stake A was driven into the shallow lake bed near the shore so that its upper edge protruded 50 cm above the water level. 100 m away from this, a similar wooden stake B was driven into the lake , which also protruded 50 cm above the water level .

This created a giant spirit level, parallel to the water surface .

If one now assumes a line of sight from peg A, 50 cm above the water level, to peg B, also 50 cm above the water level, one should not be able to see the surface of the water behind peg B, nor the boats sailing far behind it, beyond this line of sight, if the water level of the lake and our earth’s surface were convex.

But the opposite is the case. The water level of all standing water and the sea is concave and the water horizon can be seen significantly higher than this line of sight, which is 50 cm above the water level.

As shown in Figure 8, the survey was carried out and then a camera was placed in front of the post A on the lake shore so that its lens centre was also 50 cm above the water level; from this position some photographs were taken.

Johann Dolanski (1963)

As soon as we announced that we would be publishing this paper, many doubters – apparently very self-confident – spoke up, dismissing the theory as “nonsense” from the outset. Strangely, these voices gradually died down…

Whatever the level of physics knowledge of hasty critics, we will continue here next week , including photos that everyone has probably seen before – without ever having thought about the inherent consequences of optical effects.

EVOLVER editorial team
The Universe as it Really Is
Dolan theory
Ing. Johann Dolanski (1963)
Matthias Marschik (ed., 2008)



In 1963, the Austrian Johann Dolanski published a treatise on the controversial hollow earth paradigm. EVOLVER has come across one of the now out-of-print copies and is presenting the unabridged text, with illustrations from the original edition, for the first time on the Internet.

In the foreword – which we have added with a brief outline of historical theories of the universe – the author questioned common hypotheses and announced technical and scientific reasons for his doubts.

In the last episode, an experiment was described that was as simple as it was easy to reproduce:

Drive two stakes into the water (ie into the ground below) on any bank; one closer, the other further out. Make sure that both stick out the same distance above the water surface. If you now sight from the land over the tops of the two stakes, you will find that the horizon behind them is above the line of sight…

It was also evident from the photographs that you can see the water level above the line of sight and the boats sailing far out in an even higher position. In addition, you can also see the water level of the lake and the horizon above the vehicles, which is much higher than the spirit level in A – B.  (See last episode ; editor’s note)

This clearly shows the concave curvature of the water level of standing water ! Figure 9 shows this at Lake Neusiedl. It is the same at Lake Constance.

As Figure 10 shows, from the flat shore, you can see the more distant boats and ships over the closer ones and, above all the vehicles, you can still see the water level of Lake Constance and the horizon.

All ships and boats appear to disappear on the horizon. But you also cannot see the higher mountains behind the horizon. Only when special weather and wind conditions occur can you see both the ships and the mountains above the apparent horizon. This is due to the refraction of light through the layers of air above the water surface.

A photograph of the sea was also taken in the Mediterranean near Genoa from a height of 1.50 m above the water level. You can even see the sea level and the horizon far out over the ships whose sides protrude at least 2 to 3 m above the water level . See Figure 11.

There are still numerous pictures of the sea in magazines where, from a height of about 50 cm above sea level, you can clearly see the concave curvature of the sea level.

These are all facts that can be verified at any time and which clearly confirm the concave curvature of the lake and sea surfaces.

It could not be any other way, because on a rotating, spherical Earth racing through space, the coherent sea water in particular would inevitably drain away, because any water, even at the slightest inclination, immediately flows to deeper places.

Only in a doubly rotating hollow sphere is it possible to explain scientifically that all material, including water, is pressed vertically against the earth’s surface and therefore does not flow away.

So far, no scientist has paid attention to or pointed out these facts, probably because most of them have received far too little or no technical-scientific training, which is absolutely necessary for understanding such problems.

Even the majority of professors at technical universities, secondary schools, education ministers, etc. are mostly graduates of high schools and universities, from whom one cannot expect any new knowledge or research results in this direction because of their completely different course of study.

They even reject outright any reference to new research results if they do not agree with their learned theses.

The seemingly ineradicable Copernicus-Kepler-Newton theory has an even more disastrous effect on the measurement and calculation of the distance of the stars and their size.

The very idea that our enormously large and heavy globe, the Earth, is just a tiny speck of dust in an infinitely large universe, flying through space (see Figure 4 ), is so absurd that one can only be amazed how such medieval fairy tales can continue to be taught and believed.

Despite numerous pieces of evidence to the contrary, astronomical scientists persist in their theses and, on this basis, carry out measurements of the size and distances of the stars, which extend into infinity.

In this way and on such principles, for example, the distance of the North Star from the Earth was determined to be 400 trillion kilometers and it is said that light would need 42 and three-quarter years to travel from the North Star to the Earth.

The speed of the light beam was also determined to be 300,000 km per second according to the Copernicus theory. For this purpose, the orbital period of the moons of the planet “Jupiter”, which supposedly has a diameter of 143,757 km, i.e.  11 1/2 times the diameter of the Earth , was used.

However, since in reality the planet Jupiter moves within the stellar sphere , with a diameter of about 7,000 km, all information about the size and distance of Jupiter and thus also the information about the speed of the light beam are of course greatly exaggerated and must be estimated accordingly!

In a later section, the methods of calculating the distance and size of the stars are compared, both according to the Copernicus theory and according to new, surveying-technically correct methods.


It is a fact that our earth is round because from any point on the earth you can walk, drive or fly in any direction and return to that starting point.

Whether the earth’s surface is convex or concave will now be clarified in this paper.

Since the Copernicus theory and the hypotheses related to it contain so many contradictions and impossibilities, another form must be found to provide a scientifically sound explanation for everything that happens on Earth and in space.

There is inevitably only one second possibility left to fully explain all phenomena on Earth and in space, and this is:


As already described, if you look closely you can see that the water surface on larger lakes and at sea has a concave curvature .

From the shallow shore, one can see that the boats and ships that move in the water at a greater distance from the observer’s position are visible above the closer vessels. Even behind the furthest boats and ships, the surface of the lake or sea and the horizon are still visible above them, if the visibility is clear.

If the water surface were convex, such visibility of boats and ships further away would not be possible.

Just like the water surface of standing bodies of water, the surface of the earth is naturally concave.

Our earth is actually a hollow spherical shell. The star sphere, the sun, the moon and the planets are located within the earth’s hollow spherical shell.

The stellar sphere is so large (approx. 7,000 km in diameter) that it takes up a large part of the Earth’s hollow sphere; it therefore appears to us as if it were reaching up to the horizon or extending beyond the horizon.

It has already been pointed out in the individual sections that individual phenomena, even in space, can only be properly explained from the perspective of the hollow sphere Earth .

In fact, the rotating hollow earth sphere is the only possible form in which everything that happens on earth and in space can be explained sensibly and in a technically and scientifically sound manner.

Johann Dolanski (1963)

After the publication of our second part of this treatise, all critics fell silent. It is astonishing – the current doctrine is turned on its head here; but perhaps the cheeky ones are now pondering over their physics books.



In 1963, the Austrian Johann Dolanski published a treatise on the controversial hollow earth paradigm. EVOLVER has come across one of the copies, which is now out of print, and is presenting the unabridged text, with illustrations from the original edition, for the first time on the Internet.

In the foreword – supplemented by a brief outline of historical theories of the universe – the author questioned common hypotheses and announced technical and scientific reasons for his doubts.

In the last episode, the author showed photos, among other things, that we all know – and yet have never considered that such photos actually caused a concave curvature of the sea surface, for example.

Today we continue with the interpretation of measurement results.


Astronomical scholars made great errors in determining the distance and size of the stars.

For example, in order to determine the distance of the moon from the earth and its size , the moon was sighted at the same time from Berlin and Cape Town, because both observatories are located at approximately the same longitude, and the angles of the two sights (elevation angles) were plotted, as usual, on a drawing of the earth as a solid sphere .

The position of the moon lies at the intersection of the two sights.

In this way, the distance of the moon from the center of the earth was determined to be 384,000 km. Since the “visual angle” of the moon is about 30 minutes of arc, the diameter of the moon was trigonometrically calculated from these two pieces of data to be 3,482 km.

However, if you plot the same readings from the astronomical instruments on a drawing of the Earth as a hollow sphere facing inwards, you get significantly different results. The Moon is then not 384,000 km from the center of the Earth, but only about 2,000 km from the Earth’s surface and its diameter is only about 150 km, which is only a fraction of the dimensions claimed by the Copernicus theory.

Figure 12 shows the effect of this.

The distance and size of the sun were not determined by measurements, but on the basis of hypothetical and philosophical considerations.

According to this, the sun, as the “center” of the solar system, would be on average about 150 million kilometers away from the earth and its diameter would be, according to the Copernicus theory, 1,386,690 km, i.e. more than a hundred times larger than the diameter of the earth. See Fig. 4 .

When calculating the distances and sizes of the planets and fixed stars, astronomical scholars, in addition to the errors mentioned above, simply omitted even the radius of the Earth, which is 6,380 km, as a supposedly vanishingly small size compared to the “infinity” of the universe .

Based on the actually unproven Copernicus theory, one thus arrives at the unimaginable and absurd distances of the stars in “millions of light years”!

For example, if you plot the view of the Polaris from the North Pole , then from Vienna and finally from the equator on a drawing of the Earth as a solid sphere, all of these views are parallel to the Earth’s axis and the Polaris would thus be practically infinitely far away.

Astronomical scholars have determined that the distance of the North Star from the Earth is 400 trillion kilometers!

On the other hand , if you plot the line of sight to the Polaris from the North Pole of the Earth and also from Vienna (the polar height) on a drawing of the globe inwards, then the intersection point of these two lines of sight on the Earth’s axis is only about 2,500 km high. The enormous difference between the two results is clearly visible in Figure 13.


Through decades of observations and measurements as well as on the basis of numerous considerations and scientific studies, it was concluded that the universe consists mainly of the following main components:

1. From the solid hollow spherical shell of the earth with all plants and living creatures, as well as with all waters, the air and the stratosphere.

2. From the opaque, translucent sphere of stars with the Milky Way and all the fixed stars around which the hollow sphere of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon move. The orbit of the other planets is mostly within the sphere of stars, only partially outside of it.

3. From the spherical uranium-iron nucleus or uranium nucleus in the center of the stellar sphere, as can be seen during lunar eclipses and which is probably the driving force of the entire world system.

We are already curious to see who feels sufficiently confident in physics this time to want to put forward factual counterarguments…. The next episode will be about the movements of celestial bodies and their rotation parameters.



In 1963, the Austrian Johann Dolanski published a treatise on the controversial hollow earth paradigm. EVOLVER has come across one of the copies, which is now out of print, and is presenting the unabridged text, with illustrations from the original edition, for the first time on the Internet.

In the foreword – supplemented by a brief outline of historical theories of the universe – the author questioned common hypotheses and announced technical and scientific reasons for his doubts.

The last episode dealt, among other things, with the interpretation of measurement results. On this basis, the present section will now explain the movements of the stars – how they occur according to the logic of an inverted universe.


The Earth is a hollow sphere with a diameter of 12,760 km and moves on its axis from west to east once around the sphere of stars in one day (24 hours).

The celestial sphere is located inside the hollow sphere of the Earth and has a diameter of about 7,000 km; it appears to stand still.

The fixed stars and the Milky Way, especially the North Star, are located on the circumference of this huge, dull-translucent star sphere.

The Pole Star can now be used as a reference point on the stellar sphere to determine the size of the stellar sphere. However, even with the best instruments, the dimensions can never be determined exactly from the earth because of the variable refraction of light in the different layers of the atmosphere .

As already mentioned, one sights the Polaris once from the North Pole of the Earth and then from a point in the northern hemisphere, such as Vienna , and draws the two sighting lines inwards on a drawing of the circumference of the Earth.

The intersection of the two lines of sight is the position of the North Star on the star sphere.

If one then assumes, taking into account the refraction of light, that the Pole Star is slightly higher on the Earth’s axis than the intersection point of the two sights indicates, one already obtains a point on the stellar sphere.

In this way, the earth appears as a circle and with the same center and passing through the North Star, a second circle represents the stellar sphere. All fixed stars and the Milky Way are located on the circumference of this stellar sphere. The sun’s orbit (ecliptic) can also be drawn in this way.


The sun orbits the ecliptic, closely surrounding the sphere of stars from west to east, once every 365 days.

The moon orbits the celestial sphere at some distance from it, also from west to east, in 271/3 days.

The sun, the moon and the stars appear to us as if they were rising in the east, then moving further and setting in the west.

In reality, however, the hollow sphere of the Earth continuously rotates from west to east around the sphere of stars, towards the stars and the sphere of stars.

The sun and moon also move from west to east around the stellar sphere, but at different speeds . The other planets move even more slowly in circular orbits, mostly within the stellar sphere; only the so-called “lesser planets” also move partially outside the stellar sphere.

The sun moves continuously in a circular path from the Tropic of Capricorn to the Tropic of Capricorn and back to the Tropic of Capricorn, almost completing the circumference of the celestial sphere once in the course of a year.

It crosses the equator of the star sphere at the so-called vernal and autumnal equinoxes.

Since sunspots indicate a rotating movement of the sun , one must assume a rolling movement of the sun around the sphere of stars.

In 24 hours, the hollow sphere of the earth must not only complete a complete rotation from west to east around the sphere of stars, but also move further by about one degree of arc, because the sun has meanwhile also moved further by one degree of arc on its orbit on the ecliptic from west to east.

The moon orbits the celestial sphere on a similar orbit to the sun, at some distance from the celestial sphere, also from west to east, in 27 1/3 days.

Since the sun only advances on its orbit by about one degree of arc from west to east every day , but the moon advances by about 13 degrees of arc every day, this is how the individual phases of the moon arise.

The fact that the sun moves closely around the sphere of stars explains why it can only be seen from the polar countries for half a year at a time, because from any location on earth, all the stars on the sphere of stars are only visible up to ninety degrees north and south, as well as east and west above the horizon.

But since the moon orbits the sphere of stars at some distance from it, it is also understandable that, in contrast to the sun, it can be seen at the same time in the northern and southern polar countries, because the view of the moon is less obstructed by the curvature of the sphere of stars than that of the sun.


The hollow sphere of the earth rotates from west to east around the sphere of stars.

Due to the rotating movement of the enormous hollow sphere of the earth, which travels a distance of about 465 m per second at the equator, a very strong centrifugal force is generated in this closed space, like in a rotating centrifuge, which sorts all material according to its specific weight and thus presses it more or less to the earth’s surface or lets it fall to the ground.

This centrifugal force is very strong and has always been considered as the “gravitational pull” of the Earth.

This is one of the greatest errors in astronomical and physical sciences.

Towards the Earth’s poles, however, this centrifugal force would become smaller and smaller and would eventually become zero. However, no further movement of the Earth can be perceived in relation to the sphere of stars. However, since everything on Earth, the sea, the air and ourselves, is pressed vertically against the Earth’s surface or falls to the ground, it was assumed that, in addition to the rotation of the hollow Earth around its axis and around the sphere of stars, there must be a second force or movement in order to be able to prove a constant and vertically acting centrifugal force at every point on the Earth’s surface.

Johann Dolanski (1963)

“Purely mathematically, the theory does not contradict any classical physical theory,” even Wikipedia knows; our readers have probably come to agree with this view by now…

Anyway, in the next episode the author deals with experiments to determine the exact rotation of the earth and the effects of the light of nearby stars.

EVOLVER editorial team



In 1963, the Austrian Johann Dolanski published a treatise on the controversial hollow earth paradigm. EVOLVER has come across one of the copies, which is now out of print, and is presenting the unabridged text, with illustrations from the original edition, for the first time on the Internet.

In the foreword – supplemented by a brief outline of historical theories of the universe – the author questioned common hypotheses and announced technical and scientific reasons for his doubts.

In the last episode, the movements of the celestial bodies were explained as they occur according to the logic of an inverted universe.

This time it is about experiments to determine exactly the rotation of the Earth and the effects that the light of nearby stars has.


A new method for determining earth movement was developed and practically demonstrated to a larger group, including engineers and doctors, in February 1957 at the Federal Chamber of Commerce in Vienna’s 1st Stubenring.

For this experiment, a 22 m high drop device with a short, vertical metal tube was set up in a closed room. The base point, which was precisely plumbed to this tube, as well as the north-south and east-west directions were precisely marked using a compass on a light cardboard plate on a rubber pad on the floor.

In Figure 15, such a plate as was used is recorded with the plumb line base and the north-south and east-west directions .

It was found that a blackened metal ball that had been dropped several times from the precisely centered drop tube always landed on the cardboard plate to the northeast of the plumb line point. The points of impact were precisely marked each time.

It also became apparent that the direction of fall was somewhat more pronounced towards the north than towards the east. This is probably because the geographical latitude of Vienna (48 degrees) is further north than 45 degrees.

The blackened metal ball did not fall to the plumb line, but in the direction of the Earth’s movement, because the movement of the hollow Earth’s shell is somewhat delayed by a carrier fluid in which it floats (see section XVII – in part 9 of this series; editor’s note ), due to the braking effect of the fluid , while the metal ball, which originally had the same acceleration as the Earth’s shell, was then less hindered during free fall in the thin layer of air and thus moved ahead.

This experiment not only detected a movement of the hollow earth sphere from west to east around its axis and around the stellar sphere, but also a second rotation of the entire system, i.e. the hollow earth sphere together with the stellar sphere, around an axis going through the vernal and autumnal points of the stellar sphere, from south to north.

Thus, by plotting the two centrifugal force components, at the equator as well as at the earth’s poles and also at every point on the earth’s surface, one can determine and prove a constant and vertically acting centrifugal force resultant.

Only through this combined rotation of the hollow earth sphere is it possible to explain why we can hold on to all points and locations on the round earth without sticking and also why all objects, like in a rotating centrifuge, are pressed more or less vertically to the earth’s surface or fall vertically to the ground , depending on their specific weight .

The connected, vast world ocean and all standing waters are also pressed vertically to the ground on all parts of the round earth by the centrifugal force of the combined movement of the hollow earth sphere.

The water level of all standing bodies of water is therefore always horizontal and concave at all points on the round Earth, from the equator to the poles .

This also makes it possible to explain why the slightly heavier oxygen in the air remains more on the earth’s surface, where it is absolutely necessary for all living things to thrive, while the slightly lighter nitrogen predominates in the higher layers of the atmosphere. This is why you have to take oxygen equipment with you when climbing higher mountains and flying in higher layers of the atmosphere in order to be able to breathe without discomfort. At even higher altitudes, there are even lighter gaseous substances present.

So it is by no means the Earth’s gravitational pull, but rather the centrifugal force, created by the double rotation of the Earth’s hollow sphere, which sorts all material according to its specific weight and presses it vertically to the ground or lets it fall to the ground.

It should also be mentioned at this point that the skimming of milk already occurs naturally , something that has only recently been done mechanically using milk centrifuges .

The milk is sorted in the rotating drum of the milk centrifuge by centrifugal force and the skimmed milk is thrown more towards the drum wall, where it flows off separately, while the cream, as a specifically lighter substance, remains more in the middle of the centrifuge drum and flows off here.

The same process takes place in nature due to the rotation of the hollow earth; while the skimmed milk tends downwards, the lighter cream rises upwards, i.e. towards the rotating centre of the earth.

However, due to the relatively slow rotation of the hollow earth, this sorting process is also much slower than in a centrifuge. The raw milk must therefore be kept in a cool place for at least one or two days to prevent it from turning sour, otherwise the skimming of the milk would not be complete.


The sun is the only celestial body that emits its own light and heat. Sunlight can be compared to an electric arc lamp, which emits light and heat at the same time.

Sunlight and its warmth are extremely important and necessary for the growth of humans, animals and plants. However, bacterial activity, which is also particularly important for animal and plant life, is hindered by direct sunlight.

The bacteria must therefore be protected from direct sunlight or they are already naturally protected against sunlight.

The bacteria inside living organisms and in fertile soil (humus) remain active because they are not exposed to direct sunlight.

The sun moves along its pre-determined ecliptic path on the stellar sphere by one degree of arc from west to east every day. The hollow sphere of the earth must therefore make a further rotation of about one degree of arc in 24 hours, in addition to one complete rotation around the stellar sphere; this is then referred to as a day.

As the sun moves further along the ecliptic, it continually moves into different positions relative to the northern and southern hemispheres of the earth. This is how the seasons arise:

Spring, summer, autumn and winter on one hemisphere, while the opposite seasons occur on the other hemisphere.

One full orbit of the sun on the ecliptic orbit around the stellar sphere is called a year.

The moon appears to us in a different position and lighting every day. It has already been pointed out that the phases of the moon arise because the moon advances the sun by about 13 degrees every day from west to east on its orbit around the celestial sphere.

During a “new moon”, the moon is close to the sun and the sun illuminates the half of the moon facing away from the earth’s surface.

The “waxing moon” up to the full moon can be seen from the northern hemisphere on the right, from the southern hemisphere on the left , and even illuminated from below from the equator.

During the “waning moon” everything is reversed and from the equator the moon can even be observed illuminated from above.

This different visibility of the individual phases of the moon in the northern and southern hemispheres and from the equator at the same time would be completely impossible according to the Copernicus theory because the moon would be far too far away from the earth compared to its size. (See Figure 1 )

Only from the hollow spherical shape of the Earth can one see the individual phases of the moon in this way. ( Fig. 5 )

The light of the moon is reflected sunlight and has properties similar to X-rays. Like X-rays, moonlight or moon rays can penetrate into the interior of bodies and the soil and thus promote germination and bacterial activity.

Embryonic development is also closely linked to the phases of the moon.

The planets are also illuminated by the sun; they orbit within the sphere of stars. Only the so-called lesser planets orbit partly outside the dimly translucent sphere of stars.

The fixed stars and the light nebulae of the Milky Way are also illuminated or caused to radiate by the sun.

Johann Dolanski (1963)

(It may be due to the respect for human dignity – which was still common at the time – that the author did not address the most well-known influence of the lunar cycles: the female period, not coincidentally called “menstrual bleeding”.)
Next week we will continue here with solar and lunar eclipses, as well as the phenomenon of space radiation.

EVOLVER editorial team



In 1963, the Austrian Johann Dolanski published a treatise on the controversial hollow earth paradigm. EVOLVER has come across one of the copies, which is now out of print, and is presenting the unabridged text here, for the first time on the Internet, with illustrations from the original edition.

In the foreword – supplemented by a brief outline of historical theories of the universe – the author questioned common hypotheses and announced technical and scientific reasons for his doubts.

The last episode dealt with attempts to determine the exact rotation of the earth and the effects of the light of nearby stars.

In the following section, the course of solar and lunar eclipses in “inverted space” is described; Mr. Dolanski also discusses the (at that time barely researched) phenomenon of space radiation on the basis of data and findings available at the time.



The sun moves around the dimly translucent sphere of stars on the ecliptic orbit by about one degree of arc every day, i.e. almost imperceptibly, and thus continuously illuminates only one half of the rotating hollow sphere of the earth.

The hollow sphere of the Earth rotates on its axis from west to east around the sphere of stars and thus moves towards the sun and the stars.

When the sun becomes visible in the east due to this rotation of the hollow earth, we say it is rising; the day begins. As the hollow earth continues to rotate, the sun rises to an ever higher position until it reaches its highest point at midday and then appears to sink lower again, finally disappearing in the west, i.e. setting. This is then a day, as opposed to a night.

After sunset, the same half of the earth is on the side of the starry sphere not illuminated by the sun and all you can see is the night sky with its shining stars.

The moon, which is illuminated by the sun, reflects the sunlight and in this way periodically illuminates the night side of the earth.


Solar eclipses are known to only occur during a new moon , when the moon moves in front of the sun. If a solar eclipse occurs at a time when the sun is near the equator, the shadow of the total eclipse on the earth is only about 120 km wide. However, if the sun is in its northern or southernmost position on the ecliptic orbit at the time of the eclipse, the shadow is significantly wider due to the curvature of the earth.

In the case of lunar eclipses, which only ever occur during a full moon, i.e. when the full moon is on the opposite side of the stellar sphere, in the opposite position to the sun, one can determine from the circular shadow on the full moon that there is a spherical body in the center of the stellar sphere, significantly larger than the moon, which causes the shadow on the full moon in the way it actually appears.

In the case of partial lunar eclipses, when the moon is rising and the sun is setting when the eclipse occurs , it can be clearly seen that according to the Copernicus theory, our earth could never cast such a shadow on the moon because it is below our position and below our horizon. (See Figure 3 )

Only from the perspective of the hollow sphere of the Earth, where the star sphere is located within the hollow sphere of the Earth, can one correctly explain the type of shadow on the full moon, because only the spherical body in the center of the star sphere can cast the shadow on the moon in this way.


Visibility on the earth’s surface in fairly flat areas extends from one location only to about 50 kilometers in any direction.

Rising clouds or high-flying airplanes appear to us as if they were reaching the horizon or landing there at this distance.

Because of its enormous size (approx. 7,000 km in diameter), the star sphere also appears to us as if it were reaching up to or beyond the horizon.

All these phenomena are due to the increasing refraction of light in the layers of air from the zenith towards the horizon.

Only in the direction of the zenith and in the horizontal, from a point of view, does no deflection or refraction of the light beam occur.

Only when special atmospheric conditions occur, for example after thunderstorms, do the rays of light glide over the moist layers of air and one can then suddenly see the setting sun high in the sky , as already described in an earlier section.

When measuring the distance and size of the stars, the refraction of light through the various layers of the atmosphere must be taken into account particularly carefully, because the refraction of light increases the greater the inclination of the sight or observation away from the zenith.

For this reason, even with the best surveying instruments, it is not possible to obtain absolutely reliable results regarding celestial bodies from Earth .


Space radiation occurs in many different forms throughout the Earth and in space, often on a massive scale.

Lightning is also a form of space radiation and it has a very high intensity and voltages of several hundred thousand volts.

Scientists all over the world have not yet been able to explain the origin of cosmic radiation scientifically. The main reason for the scientists’ failure was that they always looked at the universe only from the perspective of the Copernicus-Kepler-Newton theory.

However, one can never arrive at a positive result on this basis because these theories and hypotheses, as demonstrated in the previous statements, are completely incorrect and meaningless.

In the following, the origin of space radiation and lightning, as well as their effects, are clearly explained from a technical and scientific point of view.

There are two possibilities about the origin of space radiation:

a) The universe is like a giant dynamo machine

This can be concluded from the following observations: At any point on earth, a “magnetic field” can be determined using a compass. The huge iron ore deposits in all parts of the world and under all seas are like the “field magnets” of a dynamo machine.

The counterpart to these field magnets is the spherical core in the center of the star sphere, which probably consists of uranium-containing iron ore and represents the “anchor” of this giant dynamo machine.

Through the rotating movement of the hollow earth sphere with its huge iron ore deposits as field magnets around the star sphere with its spherical, uranium-containing iron ore core as anchor, a huge electrical high voltage is generated in the star sphere, like in a giant dynamo machine, which appears as lightning, space radiation, solar energy, sea tides, air vortices and in similar forms.

Lightning, for example, with its tremendous intensity and high voltage, is not caused by the friction of water droplets in the air or by the sliding of different layers of air over one another, as is generally assumed, but clouds, fog and moist air are good conductors of electricity and radiation, which conduct the high electrical voltage from the stellar sphere to the negative earth.

Lightning is a form of space radiation and, with its enormous high voltage and intensity, it often has very devastating effects.

These harmful effects can be largely mitigated or rendered ineffective by lightning rods. The lightning can be sucked away by high metal spikes and diverted to the negative earth in an insulated manner by connecting wires so that it cannot cause any damage.

Space radiation is also more or less effective due to humid weather, fog, clouds above the earth and water veins or ore deposits underground.

The tides of the sea are caused by the moon and the sun directing and amplifying the cosmic radiation from the stellar sphere to the negative earth. This creates a suction effect that lifts the sea water. When the moon and the sun act together on the same parts of the sea, a double effect occurs, a so-called “spring tide”.

The lifting effect of electrical space radiation can also be observed in whirlwinds and tornadoes . Heavy objects are often lifted up and whirled through the air; trees are also often uprooted, buildings destroyed and entire areas devastated.

According to observations, the lines of force of such whirlwinds usually run along watercourses or underground water or ore veins.

The sun is also fed by the enormous electrical energy of this giant dynamo machine; it radiates light and heat at the same time, similar to an electric arc lamp, which also emits light and heat at the same time.

Human and animal organisms are often strongly influenced and damaged by space radiation. In certain weather conditions, i.e. foggy and rainy weather, the radiation has an increased effect and the nervous system of the organisms is severely affected.

One can also observe a sharp increase in epidemic diseases such as influenza, pneumonia, polio, foot-and-mouth disease and many other diseases in humans and animals.

Weak creatures are particularly vulnerable. Depression and sudden deaths can also be attributed to the effects of space radiation.

During thunderstorms, it can be observed that milk, an animal product, curdles very quickly when raw . This causes the iron in the milk to be excreted.

A similar process also takes place in pneumonia; iron is also excreted from the blood. This can be seen in the brown color of the sputum from the lungs in such diseases.

Weak people, the elderly and those with heart disease , for example, cannot cope with a high fever lasting eight to fourteen days in the case of pneumonia and in most cases die.

However , pneumonia can be prevented or cured quickly by taking certain ionized and nerve-strengthening substances .

A second possibility to explain space radiation and its origin is to consider the spherical body in the center of the star sphere as a

b) Large-scale nuclear reactor considered

Only in the last few decades has mankind gained a certain understanding of the “atom” . The ideas about the structure of an atom are still quite hypothetical and fantastic. It is a fact that no human being has ever seen an atom, even through the best and most powerful microscope .

Even with the latest electron microscopes, you cannot see microorganisms that consist of many atoms in detail. This makes it even harder to determine an atom and its structure.

Atomic scientists generally imagine the atom to consist of the positively electric atomic nucleus and the negatively electric atomic shell, which rotates around the atomic nucleus.

It is probably no coincidence that these views on the structure of atoms bear a great resemblance to the structure of the universe described in this treatise.

But since atomic scientists, according to their school education, are unconditional supporters of the Copernicus theory , they compare the atomic nucleus with the sun, as an energy center around which the earth, the moon and the other planets move as “electrons”.

Nevertheless, nuclear scientists all over the world have not yet come up with a plausible explanation of the processes in atoms, the origin of space radiation and lightning, and they will never reach a positive result on these topics based on their hypotheses because they are on a completely wrong track.

Whether one considers the universe as a giant dynamo machine or the spherical body in the center of the star sphere as a giant atomic reactor, in any case the enormous electrical energy comes from the center of the star sphere and appears as lightning, space radiation, solar energy, sea tides, whirlwinds, and others.

Johann Dolanski (1963)

It is now generally accepted that the hollow earth theory (as discussed here so far) corresponds in principle to current physical findings. However, an interesting question still remains unanswered: How thick is this earth shell – and what is “behind” it?

You will find out more about this next week …

EVOLVER editorial team



In 1963, the Austrian Johann Dolanski published a treatise on the controversial hollow earth paradigm. EVOLVER has come across one of the copies, which is now out of print, and is presenting the unabridged text, with illustrations from the original edition, for the first time on the Internet.

In the foreword – supplemented by a brief outline of historical theories of the universe – the author questioned common hypotheses and announced technical and scientific reasons for his doubts.

In the last section, the processes of solar and lunar eclipses were described according to the theory of an inverted universe.

This time, the focus is on an essential question: how thick is the earth’s shell – and what is “behind” it?



So far, drilling has been carried out into the interior of the earth to depths of about 7,000 m = 7 km . It will probably not be easy to reach much greater depths, because at great depths this project faces ever greater technical resistance and greater difficulties.

In order to gain information about the state of the earth’s crust at greater depths, the mineral oil administrations, which are interested in this, are carrying out numerous “echo soundings” in many places on earth.

It was determined that the Earth’s shell has a thickness of 30 to 50 kilometers.

This is probably true, because with such dimensions the strength of the entire hollow earth sphere shell seems fairly secure.

Since the deepest points in the world’s oceans have been determined to be about 11 km, there is still sufficient thickness for the solid earth body beneath the seas.

The earth has numerous layers of solid materials that are tightly connected like a wall, ensuring cohesion.


Volcanic eruptions in various parts of our earth lead us to believe that the earth’s interior must be fiery and liquid. Even when digging shafts, the deeper parts are always warmer than the upper parts.

Now these phenomena are contradicted by the fact that the sea becomes colder at greater depths.

The volcanic eruptions may also be due to underground explosions or other chemical processes in the earth. Nuclear explosions in the earth may also play a role.

The fact that a higher degree of heat is always observed in deeper places during shaft excavations can probably be attributed to the fact that the lower layers of earth and rock have to withstand enormous pressure from the upper layers due to the rotation of the hollow earth sphere.

As we know, pressure generates heat and this is probably how the phenomenon of increasing heat in the deeper layers of the earth can be explained.

As a result, the assumption that the Earth’s interior must be fiery and liquid cannot correspond to the facts.

Now we come to the real question: what is outside our hollow sphere?

If one considers the fact that crude oil has been found in many places on our earth and also under the sea during deep drilling and that it is flowing out with great pressure, it is reasonable to assume that there is a very large reserve of crude oil outside the hollow spherical shell of the earth, which is embedded in a huge container.

This crude oil reaches the earth’s surface through loose rock and sand layers and is then extracted through drilling.

Since our hollow earth sphere has to perform a double rotation every day, crude oil is the most suitable element to ensure the smoothest possible movement of the hollow earth sphere shell.

Only when any obstacles occur in this movement of the hollow earth sphere can one hear an underground thundering and rolling; the earth’s surface trembles, as the shocks are transmitted from the lower to the upper layers of the earth.

However, one must also take into account that the continuous extraction of crude oil from the earth could one day be a catastrophic hindrance to the movements of our hollow sphere.


The preconditions for the prosperous development of living beings are only present on our earth itself. A diverse and incalculably rich life has developed on earth.

The basis of all life is the diverse plant world that thrives on the humus soil that is opened up by bacterial activity . Plants grow from seeds and require light, warmth, water, minerals, nitrogen and carbon dioxide to develop.

In return, the green leaves of the plants breathe out oxygen and thus continually replenish the supply of good, oxygen-containing air, which is vital for humans and animals.

The plant world provides the main food for all animals and for humans.

The organism of all living things is structured and arranged in a very sensible and purposeful way. It develops from the embryo and thrives through breathing and taking in food.

The higher life forms possess all the organs necessary for their development, as well as the ability to see, hear and feel, and a finely distributed nervous system that initiates and controls all activities.

The lungs breathe in fresh air and transport the oxygen from the air to the blood; the unused nitrogen is exhaled again.

The food is fed to the stomach and processed by the digestive system. The nutrients necessary for the organism are supplied to it and the unusable ones are excreted.

The heart activates the bloodstream, through which oxygen and the necessary nutrients are supplied to all parts of the body, right down to the smallest cells.

If we now look at man himself, we are particularly struck by the fact that he possesses a highly developed will and ability to think, which gives him a privileged position in the world.

But man must also be aware of his responsibility in order to fulfill his purpose in life.

Every person has an inner voice, the conscience, which admonishes and guides him.


Even if we must regard the universe as relatively small, in contrast to the infinite dimensions of the Copernicus-Kepler-Newton theory, this smaller universe is nevertheless so magnificent and sensibly arranged that we small, mortal humans must express our greatest admiration and the greatest respect for it.

Figure 16 shows a representation of our hollow sphere of the Earth with the star sphere, where everything can be correctly explained from a technical and scientific point of view.

The structure and functioning of this enormous world, from the largest to the smallest, is wonderfully designed to the highest degree.

The rotation of the hollow sphere of the Earth around its axis and around the sphere of stars creates day and night.

Due to the continuous movement of the sun on the ecliptic orbit around the stellar sphere, the individual seasons alternate in the northern and southern hemispheres of the earth over the course of a year, which are necessary for the flourishing of vegetation, the basis of all life.

Due to the double rotation of the hollow Earth, the sea, all waters, the air and finally ourselves are always pressed vertically onto all points of this round hollow Earth.

The movement of the moon on a circular orbit around the stellar sphere over the northern and southern hollow spheres of the earth in 27 1/3 days is also of particular importance for the animal and plant world, because germination and embryo development are closely related to the phases of the moon.

The entire universe is in a close and harmonious balance.

If you carefully observe all of this, from the largest to the smallest, and delve deeper, you will definitely come to the realization and conviction that there must be an invisible and almighty being of supreme intelligence, whom we call God, who controls and directs everything. For if this were not the case, there would only be rubble and chaos!

Man, as the most highly developed living being on earth, has the task of shaping his earthly existence and that of his environment in such a way that the harmony in the world is not disturbed.

This is something that those who determine the fate of the peoples should especially keep in mind!

The human body consists of earthly substances and decays after death. However, the human soul, his personality, does not die, is not lost and, if it is not materially burdened, can ascend to higher regions after the person’s death.

It has taken humanity countless generations and thousands of years to develop until it reached its current level of culture and science.

But there are still many problems that the brightest minds of all the peoples of the world may only be able to solve after generations, or never at all.

In the underdeveloped countries of the world, cultural advancement should not be pushed forward so rapidly, as this causes many grievances.

Cultural development must be systematically built up from stage to stage if it is to be useful.

Johann Dolanski (1963)

In fact, Mr. Dolanski did not take the theory of relativity into account enough here. The simple answer to the question “What is behind it?” is: the same thing that, according to common doctrine, is “behind” the currently proclaimed universe – that is, nothing. At least as far as our understanding of dimensions is concerned. The result: just as one could fly straight ahead in the currently postulated universe to return to the starting point, in the inverted universe – if one penetrates straight ahead into the depths of the earth’s layer – one would come out on the “opposite” side.

(If you don’t understand that now, we recommend reading relevant textbooks. Incidentally, the modern Stephen Hawking has much more imaginative theories in store.) We’ll continue here

next week – including considerations regarding the function of recoil engines in a vacuum.

EVOLVER editorial team



In 1963, the Austrian Johann Dolanski published a treatise on the controversial hollow earth paradigm. EVOLVER has come across one of the copies, which is now out of print, and is presenting the unabridged text, with illustrations from the original edition, for the first time on the Internet.

In the foreword – supplemented by a brief outline of historical space theories – the author questioned common hypotheses and announced technical and scientific reasons for his doubts.

The last episode dealt, among other things, with how thick the earth’s shell is and what lies “behind” it.

This time, the author takes a skeptical look at the satellite programs of the superpowers USA and USSR (which – just to remind you – were in the middle of the “Cold War” at the time).



Humans have certainly made significant progress in recent decades in rapidly covering very large distances across the Earth’s surface. Jet aircraft can circle the Earth in 40 hours or even faster.

Humanity is limited in its ability to cope with heights. When climbing a mountain at a height of 2,000 meters (= 2 km), the air is thinner and contains less oxygen; breathing is somewhat more difficult. When tackling higher altitudes and flying in higher layers of the atmosphere, oxygen devices are necessary in order to be able to breathe without discomfort.

Man, due to his physical constitution, cannot rise above a certain height and therefore everything beyond that seems infinitely far away.

Greater altitudes, around 120 km and more, were allegedly reached by unmanned rockets and photographs of the earth were taken from there. These images show a curvature which astronomical scholars called “roundness of the earth” . However, if one draws the earth as a circle with a diameter of 12,760 km on any scale and plots the allegedly reached altitude of 120 km on the same scale, even a layman can see that from this relatively low altitude one could only see a province in a picture, but never grasp the roundness of the earth.

What you actually see in these pictures as the “rounding of the Earth” is the round frame of the photo lens.

The heights allegedly reached with rockets are also controversial because the heights reached are currently always determined from two points on the allegedly convex curvature of the earth. The heights actually reached from the concave surface of the earth are only a fraction of that.

Rocket projectiles can reach distances of hundreds of kilometers or more above the Earth’s surface , while the same projectiles can only reach low altitudes, although the air resistance to the projectile or aircraft is lower at the top.

However, the resistance of the air against the forward-propelling jet recoil (air cushion) also becomes smaller and smaller the higher the projectile is propelled.

So far, all rockets and satellites have returned to Earth due to the centrifugal force of the rotating hollow Earth without actually reaching very high altitudes. It is therefore very doubtful whether it will ever be possible to reach the Moon, even at an altitude of just 2,000 km from the Earth’s surface.

People have an innate desire to explore nature more and more and to make it serve them. There are still unimagined possibilities on earth and above us that can be exploited.

Every person has the right to live on this earth, but he must also do everything in his power to ensure that the goods of this earth are accessible to him.


The problem of missiles and satellites is currently being addressed in both the East and the West with enormous financial and propaganda expenditure .

These problems are surrounded by a halo that borders on the miraculous and improbable.

Rockets have been launched for several years and this technology has developed to such an extent that rockets can actually be fired in an arc over the earth’s surface, hundreds and even thousands of kilometers away.

However, this always takes place in atmospheric layers close to the earth, which have a certain air density.

In recent years, however, reports have been published in both East and West according to which “satellites” have been launched and then orbit the earth at tremendous speeds, even for weeks at a time, and even fly to the moon, to the other planets and around the sun.

Recently, people have even been transported into space in capsules using rockets and are said to orbit the Earth once or several times at intervals of about 90 minutes.

These “astronauts”, as they are called, then report on their impressions and observations gained during the flight.

However, these reports are extremely meager and contain little that is interesting and nothing positive!

Recently , the Russians reported, without warning, that a man in a satellite capsule had orbited the earth once in about 90 minutes . A few days later, another man was said to have circled the earth three times at the same speed.

However, the launch and landing sites were kept secret and not even pictures of the launch or landing sites were published.

A short time later, the Americans also made a similar attempt with a human on board . However, they carried out the operation in public and showed both the takeoff and the landing in pictures.

From the outset, the Americans’ goal in this project was only to travel a relatively short distance of a few hundred kilometers through space and not to orbit the Earth.

Later, the Americans also sent a human into space who is said to have orbited the Earth three times in 90 minutes each.

Very recently, the Russians have again launched both a man and a woman into space, who are said to have orbited the Earth many times.

In the East and the West it is claimed that this flight takes place in elliptical orbits at a distance of 160 and 260 km from the Earth.

The earth is supposedly a sphere and therefore the flight must also move in a circular orbit!

Scientists in the East and West have recently sent satellites around the Earth, to Mars, to Venus and to the Sun with a great deal of propaganda effort; however, the results have yet to be “decrypted” and can only be announced in some time.

If one examines all these reports from East and West carefully in terms of all technical and scientific possibilities, one comes to the conclusion that only a part of them is reality, but the majority is boastful talk and irresponsible deception by various scientists.

Since all these scientists are unconditional supporters of the Copernicus-Kepler-Newton theory , one must above all bear in mind that according to this theory everything would be attracted to the earth and even the moon, at a distance of 384,000 km, would be pulled along by the “gravity”; but the satellites would, despite the gravity, orbit the earth without restriction and at a speed of 90 minutes without falling to the earth?!

On a rotating hollow earth sphere, it would be even more possible for satellites to orbit the earth because the centrifugal force becomes increasingly smaller towards the centre of the hollow earth sphere.

In order to make the existence of such satellites orbiting the earth audible with receiving devices at various points on earth, shortwave transmitters with antennas pointing slightly upwards are set up at some location on earth in such a way that they rotate in 90-minute rhythms and continuously transmit the corresponding radio signals.

This then makes it appear as if a satellite flying over these reception locations was transmitting the radio signals.

In order to make the “satellite” itself visible at different locations on Earth, the times when the satellite will be visible are prominently published and model airplanes, which can be controlled from Earth, with a glowing light bulb attached, are then sent over these locations.

Since the small, unlit model airplanes are not visible even at night and their engines are barely audible, this all seems quite credible.

Such model airplanes, which can be controlled from the ground, are even manufactured and operated near Vienna.

In order to make the orbit of the earth in 90 minutes credible, the satellite, which is manned by a human, flies back to the launch point in a large circular arc at this rhythm and is intercepted on the land after one or more “orbits of the earth”.

With regard to the propulsion of rockets, it is particularly important to remember that in order to start moving, any body must be moved by some corresponding force.

On the ground, you move forward by pushing off the ground with your feet using physical force.

A land vehicle is moved along the road by human, animal or motor forces by pushing off.

A watercraft is moved either by the wind through the sails or by oar strokes, by paddle wheels or by rotating ship’s propellers, which push off in the water with their inclined screw surfaces.

The aircraft are also propelled by rotating propellers, which push off in the air through their inclined propeller surfaces.

Only in the case of rocket propulsion do most scientists still believe in a miracle and are of the opinion that the recoil of the exhaust gases alone can propel rockets and rocket-powered aircraft.

This is a great and fatal error. It can be seen through systematic experiments that the speed of advance of jet-powered aircraft and rockets also decreases when they reach higher layers of the atmosphere, where the air becomes thinner.

Johann Dolanski (1963)

Bear in mind that at the time of publication of this text, the first moon landing was still six years in the future… The next section

also makes it clear that the propaganda that the superpowers used in the course of their space projects was received by many with a fair amount of suspicion.

EVOLVER editorial team



In 1963, the Austrian Johann Dolanski published a treatise on the controversial hollow earth paradigm. EVOLVER has come across one of the copies, which is now out of print, and is presenting the unabridged text, with illustrations from the original edition, for the first time on the Internet.

In the foreword – supplemented by a brief outline of historical space theories – the author questioned common hypotheses and announced technical and scientific reasons for his doubts.

In the last episode, he cast a skeptical eye on the satellite programs of the superpowers USA and USSR (which – just to remind you – were in the middle of the “Cold War” at the time).

The following section also makes it clear that the propaganda carried out by those alliances of states in the course of their space projects was received with considerable suspicion .


A similar behavior to that observed with rockets can be observed with a rifle when several shots are fired under different conditions with a constant amount of powder .

During the first shot, the powder charge is only sealed with a plug; the recoil of the rifle is very low.

During the second shot, the cartridge is filled with scrap and the recoil is already significantly stronger.

The third shot fires a bullet which has to force its way through the twisting coils; the recoil in this test is very strong. The recoil in a rifle means the forward propulsion force in a rocket.

After these considerations, we see that the penetration into space is subject to very strict limits due to the ever thinning layers of air.

When assessing satellite problems, one must also keep the following in mind:

In order to reach greater altitudes at a speed of 2,000 to 3,000 km per hour , multi-stage rockets with tremendous power are required during launch. The burned-out rocket stages then fall to earth one by one.

The satellite then supposedly flies without any resupply power, suddenly at a speed of 27,000 kilometers per hour around the earth, to the moon, etc.

Rocket scientists often let the last rocket stage with the satellite orbit the Earth for weeks and these bodies are supposedly not attracted to the Earth.

But if you then release the capsule from the satellite, even with just a “press of a button” from Earth , it suddenly falls to Earth at tremendous speed and burns up!

A large part of such reports is irresponsible boasting!

Every person with common sense must ask themselves: are these scientists magicians or illusionists?!

The Russians started with the “satellites” in 1956 , and have allegedly orbited the moon with them and photographed the far side of the moon; they are now allegedly on the way to “Venus” etc.

A picture of the far side of the moon with the “Mare Moskva” was published. It is reported that this picture was composed of numerous photographic images of the far side of the moon; these images were supposedly sent to Earth by radio telegraph.

However, if one looks closely at the image of the moon, as has already been established elsewhere, it was painted on canvas and then photographed.

This is what the “direct transmission” from the far side of the moon looks like!

If the Russian rockets or satellites were supposedly already on the far side of the moon and photographed it from Earth with the push of a button and sent this image to Earth, why didn’t they also photograph our Earth from there and send this image to Earth?

Such a picture of the Earth would definitely have been more interesting than the back of the Moon!

The back of the moon can be seen from both the northern and southern hemispheres of the earth anyway, because the “waxing moon”, for example , is illuminated on the right from the northern hemisphere and on the left from the southern hemisphere in a northerly direction . The unlit halves of the moon can also be seen.

Therefore, from Earth, one can see both sides of the moon from the northern and southern hemispheres at the same time and therefore does not need to fly around the moon.

The Americans, of course, do not want to be left behind in astronomical science and, with enormous financial resources, are sending entire series of rockets and satellites around the Earth and into space.

But what the scientific results look like can be seen from the following example:

In the “Geophysical Year,” for example, the Americans also took a photograph of the Earth from a height of 3,000 kilometers, where one can see not only the Earth but also the Sun and the Moon. Figure 17 shows such a picture.

This was published as a great achievement and a scientific contribution to the “Geophysical Year” and the pictures were exhibited everywhere.

Scientists all over the world, especially astronomers, have noted this with great satisfaction and without comment.

But if you look at these pictures carefully, you can clearly see that this is not actually a picture of the Earth from a height of 3,000 kilometers, but a photographic image of the Moon from Earth.

The alleged “sun” is the planet “Saturn” and the alleged moon is a moon of Saturn.

This is the situation with astronomical and scientific research and science in the East and West, and one can judge from these and similar publications, with a critical look, what to think of such “scientific experiments”.

It would certainly be far more useful if the enormous financial expenditure which is continually being spent on similar experiments were used for peaceful purposes, for the improvement of the standard of living and for the benefit of the suffering population of the earth.

Johann Dolanski (1963)

The words in the last paragraph show astonishing foresight – considering that they were written down about half a century ago.

In the next issue you will find our last episode of “The Universe as it really is”: With the author’s concluding remarks.

EVOLVER editorial team



In 1963, the Austrian Johann Dolanski published a treatise on the controversial hollow earth paradigm. EVOLVER has come across one of the copies, which is now out of print, and is presenting the unabridged text, with illustrations from the original edition, for the first time on the Internet.

In the foreword – supplemented by a brief outline of historical space theories – the author questioned common hypotheses and announced technical and scientific reasons for his doubts.

The last episode dealt with the satellite programs that the superpowers USA and USSR operated during the “Cold War”; the propaganda that went with them was often received with some scepticism.

Here, in the final part of our series, the author takes stock – and in an appendix discusses the question of whether incorrect altitude measurements could be the reason for aircraft accidents.



It is almost incomprehensible that, especially in astronomical science, people in the twentieth century still believe in medieval magical powers and formulas.

This is mainly possible because almost all important scientific institutions are staffed by very one-sidedly educated people who insist on their learned theses and are so taken with their infallibility that they feel superior to everything. Even independently thinking people therefore do not dare to speak out against it. The mere assumption that our enormous earth would only orbit around like a tiny speck of dust in an infinite universe and that the light from the stars would need “millions of light years” to get from there to the earth is so absurd that every reasonable person must ask themselves whether such a thing is possible and can be believed?!

The Copernicus theory and its accompanying hypotheses are arbitrary, ideological assumptions that cannot be confirmed by anything, but contain many fundamental contradictions and impossibilities.

The only proof put forward by the supporters of the Copernicus theory that the earth is a full sphere because all ships disappear on the sea horizon is completely wrong because the horizon is significantly higher than the tangent of the sea level near the observer. What lies behind this horizon is invisible due to the refraction of light!

Precise measurements of the water level on lakes and at sea have clearly and unambiguously shown the concave curvature of the water level. It could not be any other way, because on a solid spherical earth that rotates and flies through space at breakneck speed, the world’s oceans in particular would definitely drain away, because any water, even at the slightest inclination, immediately flows to deeper places.

Even the inverted position of some celestial bodies, such as Sirius and Orion, which are supposedly infinitely far away from each other when viewed from the northern and southern hemispheres of the Earth, is only possible from the hollow spherical shape of the Earth.

Likewise, the opposite illumination of the individual phases of the moon from the northern and southern hemispheres of the earth, at the same time, is only possible in this way from the hollow sphere earth.

Even the so-called “gravitational pull” or “attraction” of the Earth or other celestial bodies is a theoretical concept that cannot be proven by anything !

Even in the Neupert-Lang hollow earth theory , the assumption that in a stationary hollow sphere everything is pressed to the earth’s surface by “radiation pressure” is completely incorrect, because one can even observe the opposite when heavy objects are lifted up in whirlwinds as a result of space radiation.

Only through the double rotation of the hollow sphere of the earth is it possible to explain in a physically and scientifically sound manner that everything is pressed vertically against the earth’s surface. This can also be proven by appropriate experiments.

It is to be hoped that after a thorough study of this treatise and through independent thinking, humanity will finally arrive at a correct understanding of our world view.



(Addendum to the brochure The Universe as it Really Is ):


In recent years, numerous airplanes have crashed in foggy or cloudy weather and many people have died as a result.

Now the pilots of such aircraft are always blamed for this. This is probably unjustified because the pilots correctly adhered to the altitudes indicated to them using their altimeters. Military pilots are even instructed to always fly 200 m higher than the mountain heights indicated on the maps and yet in recent years several aircraft with experienced pilots have crashed!

The blame for such disasters clearly lies with the far too low elevation information on maps, as a result of incorrect surveying!

The altitude measuring instruments of the aircraft are calibrated correctly using balloons hanging on measurable ropes. However, the information, especially for the heights of mountains, is much too low because land surveying has always been based on the convex curvature of the earth’s surface and when triangulating through different altitude layers, it has not been taken into account that the light beam is not straight but curved. This means that the height information on the maps is too low.

Even a layman can see from an obvious example that the heights on maps are far too low: the Danube is over 1,800 km long from Vienna to its mouth in the Black Sea and has a total gradient of just 150 meters. If you subtract the gradient of 30 meters at the Iron Gate, you are left with an average gradient of just 6 1/2 cm per kilometer or 6 1/2 mm per 100 meters of river length!

With such a small gradient, the Danube could not possibly flow as quickly and as wave-forming as it actually does!

Another case: If you set up a leveling instrument on the shore of the sea or a large lake not at the usual height of 2 m, but only 50 to 70 cm above the water level and adjust it exactly horizontally, this line of sight, which is parallel to the tangent of the water level, hits the water level at a distance of two to three kilometers.

If the earth were a solid sphere, the water level at this distance would have to be about 1m below this line of sight. The horizon is also above this line of sight!

This clearly proves that the water level of the sea and also our earth’s surface are not convex, but concave!

Our enormously large and heavy Earth could not fly through space as a solid sphere, floating freely and at a hundred times the speed of a jet fighter, and take the moon, which is supposedly 384,000 km away, with it through its “gravitational pull”.

There are still a number of fundamental contradictions and impossibilities in the Copernicus theory that one can only wonder why scientists cling to it so rigidly.

We actually live on the inside of a hollow sphere that rotates around the stellar sphere with a diameter of about 7,000 km, and in this way everything is pressed against the earth or falls to the ground.

In order to prevent further aircraft disasters, it is urgently necessary to seriously consider what mistakes were made in order to avoid such disasters in the future!

Johann Dolanski (1963)

With this we too can say goodbye – to this series. It was a great pleasure for us to be able to present the original text of an Austrian who has been unfairly neglected. Perhaps the presentation on our pages will help us to remember an independent thinker; also as a role model for the majority who prefer to subscribe to whatever current view is rather than taking the risk of using their own brains – with all the possible implications.

EVOLVER editorial team

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Joe Dubs

I write about philosophy, geometry, health, politics and other stuff that interests me.


  1. This is truly the nail in the coffin. Have been researching Cell Earth for years and have never heard of the Dolan Theory until now. Keep up the amazing work!

    • Thanks ATS! I just recently came across this, it’s pretty interesting and something I thought about… the idea that gravity might not possibly in emanation from centre as some type of centrifugal diverging force, but possibly some other type of surface phenomenon or something happening outside of earth’s rind.

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