The Dodecad

Dodecahedron Flower of Life

The numbers 1 through 12 are what’s called the Dodecad.  Do means 2.  Decad means 10. These are not just numbers, but qualities of reality and the numerical armature that nature uses to build herself.  There’s twelve hours on the clock, twelve inches in a foot, and twelve signs of the Zodiac.  Have these measures any correlation? Is it all just a big coincidence? “There are too many coincidences for it to be all just coincidence” – unknown This is 99.99% accurate according to NASA in 2014.  Now, NASA has been known to lie… Perhaps they are just playing a trick on us? Who knows! Some days I think they might knock on my door and congratulate me on recognizing their cosmo canonical number prank. The dodecahedron is the most mysterious of the Platonic solids.  Even mentioning this archetypal form outside the walls of Plato’s academy…

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Flower Power

FLower orange geometry joe dubs

The power in the flowers is generated by geometry, the second discipline in the study of the Quadrivium (Number, Geometry, Music, Cosmology). Before that is Number.  Can you define a triangle without the certain ‘threeness’ that is embedded in its creation?  This trinity develops the first shape in our reality.  Maybe this is why the Pythagoreans thought that numbers began at three instead of unity. Four is the first number that models three dimensions.  Think of a tetrahedron with its four points and four sides. Nature always uses the simplest and most efficient numbers and geometries when organizing itself.  Geometry exists everywhere.  Some of the most beautiful displays of nature’s intelligent design are encoded in the makeup of a flower. “In ancient Greece the advanced students of the philosopher Pythagoras who were engaged in deep studies of natural science and self-understanding were called “mathematekoi” “those who studied all.” ‘ The…

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The Platonic and Pythagorean Solids

Platonic Elements

The Platonic solids are 3-dimensional forms that nature uses to build herself.  The mental construct of reality seen in the form of geometry.     There are only five of them, naturally, since it is this (phi)veness that generates life as we know it. The Platonic, Pythagorean, or Perfect Solids: Let’s imagine you are on the inside of a sphere and are asked to make a bunch of different three-dimensional forms using only straight lines that all touch the surface of the sphere.  You could make all kinds, an infinite amount actually.  But if every line had to be of equal length, and all the shapes made had to be the same, you could only make 5 different ‘perfect solids’. These have been coined the ‘Platonic solids’, for his namesake, Plato.  Before his time they called them the Pythagorean solids because Pythagoras taught them in his mystery…

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