Logical Fallacies: Flaws in Reason (Your Argument is Invalid)

orphan murdered fallacy logic

A logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning.  It’s a hole in logic.  They’re used all the time in conversation when we try to argue a point.  In the attempt to persuade someone it’s easy to slip in a logical fallacy here and there.  We’ve all unknowingly used them. But that’s ok since we were never taught them in school. Logical fallacies usually go unnoticed, since most people don’t have knowledge of them.  The person using them often undeservingly wins the argument.  Unless, of course, you’re there to point out that their argument is invalid. Their use is particularly pervasive in the arena of media and government.  After reading this article watch some lamestream tv and see how many you can spot, whether it’s in a political debate, the rhetoric of a newscaster,  or on some mindless show like Oprah or Ellen. We’re surrounded by those who don’t understand the process of…

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Liberals Control The Media, Pushing Their Leftist Agenda, It’s Not Right

big six media

The United States, and dare I say the entire world, is owned and controlled by liberals.  But what does this mean?  Etymologically, ‘liberal’ means free, so how could this be a bad thing?  What’s wrong with promoting freedom? But are they really promoting freedom?  Well, no, they are promoting a far left political ideology, where the rights of the collective Trumps™ the rights of the individual, and an ever expanding government is always welcome.  Liberalism and left-wing politics are built upon ideology instead of reality. The left uses empathy and altruistic appeal to carry out their totalitarian agenda under the auspices of progressivism, equality, and egalitarianism.  It always sounds good on the surface, until you see past their logical fallacies and liberal propaganda. The media as a whole is owned by majority leftists, pushing a liberal leftist socialist agenda.  Fox is there to remind you that if…

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The Seven Alchemical Metals & Planets of the Week

Seven Planets of the Week

Ancient Mesopotamian astrologers devised a seven day week inspired by the heavenly bodies that wandered about the sky.  There were seven in total.  The equally sized flashlight and nightlight in the sky, the sun and moon, along with the other five wandering orbs of light thus form the basis of this alchemical cosmology. The word planet comes from the Greek planētēs, meaning “wanderer”.  So by definition the Sun and Moon were considered planets to the Ancients. Of the days that are not named directly after the seven planets, their name is derived from the Norse Gods associated with the respective planet.  The origin of Sunday is of course from the Sun in the sky.  Of the seven known metals, the Sun has always represented gold, irrespective of time and place. Monday or more properly, ‘Moon-day’, is known as Lunes in Spanish, and dies Lunae in Italian. (lunar space craft, lunar…

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Square Roots & Stuff

Square Origins

Square roots.  That sounds scary because there’s math involved.  Well don’t worry, this stuff’s easy.  Those scary numbers that look like √2, √3, and √5 are actually really simple concepts to understand. √2 or “the square root of two” is simply the cross section of a square when the sides equal one.  The square root of five is the cross section of a double square.  And the square root of three is the number formed by the vesica piscis. The square root of two is 1.414… because 1.414..  x  1.414.. = 2 1.732..  x  1.732.. = 3         So the square root of three is 1.732… 2.236..  x  2.236.. = 5       The square root of five is 2.236… The square root of one is one because 1 x 1 = 1   The square root of four is two because 2…

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The Se7en Hermetic Principles of The Kybalion

hermetic principles

Ancient Hermetic gnostics passed down a crucial set of principles which describe how reality works.  This operation manual to the inner workings of the universe was espoused by the ‘thrice-great’ Hermes Trismegistus well before the time of Moses, and echoed in the writings of philosophers of today and times past. About a hundred years ago a book named The Kybalion  was published by a person or persons under the pseudonym “The Three Initiates”.  Nobody to this day knows who wrote this brilliant book which beautifully paraphrases the teachings of Hermes, and probably those before him.

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Government: Mind Control & The Illusion Of Authority

screw head government illusion

Government is the illusion of authority, but more importantly government is mind control.  Naturally, since if you want people to believe in this fictitious thing called ‘authority’ you first have to mold the minds of the collective to accept this false ideology.  This is what government is.  It’s the illusion of some “official” group of people out there who get to tell everybody else what to do and how to do it.  The truth is there is no such thing as authority, and government is an illusion that we’ve imposed upon ourselves from the irrational thinking of a controlled mind.  It’s generally agreed that the power of government ultimately comes from the people.  Governments seem to have rights that individuals do not.  And it’s agreed that it is these individuals that make up government.  It doesn’t take much critical thinking to realize that individuals are granting power that they don’t possess to…

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The Archimedean Solids & Their Dual Catalan Solids

The Archimedean solids and their duals the Catalan solids are less well known than the Platonic solids.  Whereas the Platonic solids are composed of one shape, these forms that Archimedes wrote about are made of at least two different shapes, all forming identical vertices.  They are 13 polyhedra of this type.  And since each solid has a ‘dual’ there are also 13 Catalan solids.  There are 26 in total.  If  our two-dimensional letters of the alpha-bet were three dimensional forms, these solids would be a great representation of our language.

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