Category: Synchronicity
Mathematical synchronicities are everywhere.
Musical Geometry
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. …Geometry will draw the soul toward truth and create the spirit of philosophy. ― Plato Music is the universal language of mankind. ―Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Did you know you’re a mathe-magical musician with an inherent understanding of music theory? All living organisms are. It’s no coincidence. Just sing a note, any note. Laaaaaa Now, hum another note that’s higher than the last, but make it sound harmonic, the best you can. You just sung the opening two notes to Star Wars™, and learned the perfect fifth in the process. Two notes with a frequency ratio of 2:3 are perfect fifths. Dunnn (2) DUNNNNN (3) …… Dun Dun dah Duhhn duhn…. The perfect octave can be found in the song “Some Where” (over the rainbow) Some…
Cosmic Creations – Gallery Three
Sacred Geometry allows us to see the inner truths we’ve known all along. We just sometimes need a boost in consciousness to elevate us to the point of self awareness. “Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Music Has the Right to Children – Boards of Canada – Roygbiv – (2:31) These 100 creations were made in 2016