Comfortably Numbered

Fibonacci Pi Earth Moon Sun

The imperial system (miles, feet, yards, furlongs, nautical miles, etc) seems to resonate with repeating sixes.  Earth’s diameter is  6!+6!+6!+6!+6!+6!+6!+6!+6!+6!+6! miles.  6! is pronounced “six factorial” and is simply (1x2x3x4x5x6), which equals 720. The Moon’s diameter is 6! + 6! + 6! miles (2160).  Six-sixty-six is the number of the beast.  No number is inherently evil, but if you had to pick one it would definitely have to be six, which is why the word ‘hex’, means six. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666) –  The combined mean diameters of Earth and Moon, in miles, is equal to (six multiplied together nine times) divided by one thousand.  According to NASA this is % accurate.  With the polar or equatorial diameters, the correlation is still…

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The Golden Geometry of Phi

Earth Moon and Phi

It’s important to understand where the most ubiquitous ratio in nature is found by using simple geometry.  The golden geometry of phi.  The divine proportion (the golden mean, Phi, the golden number, Fibonacci’s number) creates fractal expansion and contraction which creates life as we know it. The square root of five can sound scary, but when it is visually represented it’s not as frightening.  The square root of 5 (the cross section of a double square) is essential in the formula for Phi. It’s encoded everywhere from our dna to the geometry of a nautilus shell to the milky way.  Phi is found in plants though phyllotaxis,  or the way the leaves arrange themselves around the stem.  They rotate in golden angles. 222.5 degrees is golden among the 360. “The harmony of the world is made manifest in Form and Number, and the heart and soul…

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5040 The Perfect Number

Plato mentions in his Laws that 5040 is a convenient number to use for dividing many things (including both the citizens and the land of a state) into lesser parts.  Claiming it to be the ideal population of a city, he thought that the people’s well-being depended almost as much on the number as on justice.  5040 as it turns out is a very special number. One of the reasons 5040 was so highly revered was because it is a superior highly composite number.  Translation: No other number below it has as many divisors.  5040 has the same amount of divisors as there are minutes in an hour, or seconds in a minute.  5040 is a very practical number, being divisible by 1-12, except 11.  There are only ten of these rare numbers below a million, and it just so happens that the combined radii of Earth and…

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The Moon Pyramid

The Louvre is the Moon Pyramid.  It encodes canonical distances that relate to the moon.  This famous museum in Paris reveals esoteric wisdom but only for those with the eyes to see. The surface of the Louvre is covered in glass panes.  If we examine the angular measures of each glass polygon and sum them up we get the canonical distance between Earth and Moon, in miles.  The Moon doesn’t revolve around Earth in a perfect circle, it’s more of an ellipse.  When it is closer to Earth it is called perigee (close to Moon).  When the moon is farthest from Earth it is called apogee (apart from Moon).  These distances  are 225,622 miles and 252,088 miles respectively. On each of the four sides there are 153 rhombi and 18 triangles at the bottom. Rhombi have 360° in  their angles, and triangles contain 180°. 153 x 360° = 55,080° 18 x…

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Pi in the Solar System

Jupiter Saturn Uranus Pi

There are an awfully lot of ‘coincidences’ in our solar system to say that it is all just a product of time and chance. Materialist and reductionist theories and their slew of primordial soup doesn’t quite suffice when one ponders the magnificence of all life. Pi is the relationship between a circle’s circumference to its diameter.  It comes out to 3.14159..   Why wouldn’t the creator or the architect of the universe make it a little easier on us and just made it 3, or 4?  Why does it have to be a transcendental number that goes on and on?  The fact that π has no pattern and the digits continue to infinity probably drove early philosophers and mathematicians madd.  This irrationality is echoed in the cells of our body and the planets in our solar system.  Concurring with the Hermetic axiom, As above so below. There…

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(Phi)ve and the Fibonacci Sequence

We are fractal beings of nature. We have five extremities, each having five fingers or five toes. Our heads have five openings, two nostrils, two ears, and one mouth. The essence of five creates (phi)ve. The Fibonacci Sequence. the Golden Mean, Divine Proportion, 1.618…. Ubiquitous to our existence, this ratio is the seed of life and the key to understanding how nature operates. The Fibonacci Sequence and the golden number, Phi(and phee) are closely related to the number five. The flower of every edible fruit has five petals.  We are frugivorous by nature and the apple is the forbidden fruit. Cut one in half at its equator to reveal a pentagram of five seeds. Five is found wherever there is life, and wherever there is life there is (phi)ve. “Man is born of the stars. With the 5 extremities from his torso and his 5 material…

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The 2732 Moon Mystery

moon mystery sidereal moonth

It’s curious that the Moon has such an influence on the oceans, which are made of water. And water’s boiling point is 273.2 % higher than its freezing point. We are something like 80% water. The Moon is said to influence our emotions. Especially females. Women menstruate every full moon. Menstruation (menstrualis) literally translates to “monthly”. And “month” of course come from “moon”. Each ‘moonth’ lasts one full moon which is 29.53 days or 27.32 sidereal days(measured upon the background stars) 2732 encoded in “Squaring the Circle”

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Prime Time

prime numbers cosmogony ontology

There is structure to the prime numbers. Divine order from apparent chaos. Primes, or numbers that are divisible by only themselves and one, don’t grow like weeds among the other numbers like mathematicians claim.  A very simple pattern emerges when the numbers are laid out in rows of six and twelve. Dice reveal an esoteric pattern hidden in the prime numbers. Take a die and arrange all natural numbers upon it. Since there are only six sides, seven will naturally get organized on the ‘one’ side. Eight will get stacked upon two, and so forth.  The cube models the most three-dimensional space, more than any other of the platonic solids.   The primes are in green. All prime numbers greater than three line up on the green y axis. The red numbers are not prime, but are products of primes. 25 is the product of…

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