Pythagorean Triples

Pythagorean Triples, Our Moon, and the Economy

You’ve heard of the Pythagorean Theorem. Looking at a triangle, A squared plus B squared equals C squared. But this doesn’t work with all triangles, only specific triangles with specific lengths. The first set of numbers that work for this formula are 3,4 and 5. (3squared=9, 4squared=16, and 5squared equals 25). 9+16=25. Check! This works, so this is the first “Pythagorean Triple”. The second triangle that satisfies the equation is based on lengths of 5,12, and 13. Now if you divide the side of 5, into 2 and 3(The Perfect Fifth in Music Theory), and draw a line as shown(dotted line), it’s length is the amount of full moons in one solar year.(12.369) I wonder if the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank was thinking of the Moon and the second Pythagorean Triple when they came up with the measurements of the US dollar.(The FED…

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Mathemagical Synchronicities in our Measure of Space and Time

Our units of measurement of space and time encode a synergistic system, a sacred canon of number beyond that of which we commonly associate today.  Miles, furlongs, minutes, seconds, degrees, these units synchronize with a cosmic order creating a divine system in our holofractographic reality. These are the mathemagical synchronicities in our measure of time and space.  One ft is not one foot because it is the size of a King’s shoe back in the day.  One foot is one ft because it aligns with the cosmos as well of that of man.  As the popular hermetic axiom succinctly phrases it, As above so below.  The ancient philosopher Protagoras put it another way;  “Man is the measure of all things.” “In ancient Greece the advanced students of the philosopher Pythagoras who were engaged in deep studies of natural science and self-understanding were called “mathematekoi”…

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