The Divine Proportion: Golden (Phi)nomena of Nature

golden number phi calipers

There is one proportion that is divine.  A ratio of two numbers, the simplest of which being one.  Paired with unity, there is only one number that is capable of fractal expansion and contraction.  By using the four operations of mathematics: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, this golden number (1.6180339..) is the key to understanding fractality, holograms, life, and the nature of reality.  This is the number (or ratio) the universe uses to become more aware of itself. The divine proportion is the only mathematical ratio that the Universe needs to intelligently design all life.  Phi, aka the Golden Ratio,  is a truly divine number.  It’s quite a phinomenon.  Along with unity this number creates the perfect proportion.  Let’s demystiphi some of the more esoteric geometric concepts attributed to this golden proportion.   Phi is found everywhere and yet nobody talks about it.  It’s missing from the calculator.  Its…

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Vitruvian Man Handled

Vitruvian Man Square the Circle

Leonardo da Vinci’s famous depiction of Vitruvius encodes geometrical gnosis that’s hidden deep beneath the collective unconscious. Let’s man handle these esoteric concepts and bring light to where there is darkness Leonardo was familiar with the golden ratio and modeled Vitruvian’s square and circle off it. It turns out that this Phi ratio is almost exactly smack dab in the middle of the two solutions of ‘squaring the circle’, that is drawing a square that is commensurate to a circle, either by having equal areas, or equal perimeters ( or lengths).

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The Dodecad

Dodecahedron Flower of Life

The numbers 1 through 12 are what’s called the Dodecad.  Do means 2.  Decad means 10. These are not just numbers, but qualities of reality and the numerical armature that nature uses to build herself.  There’s twelve hours on the clock, twelve inches in a foot, and twelve signs of the Zodiac.  Have these measures any correlation? Is it all just a big coincidence? “There are too many coincidences for it to be all just coincidence” – unknown This is 99.99% accurate according to NASA in 2014.  Now, NASA has been known to lie… Perhaps they are just playing a trick on us? Who knows! Some days I think they might knock on my door and congratulate me on recognizing their cosmo canonical number prank. The dodecahedron is the most mysterious of the Platonic solids.  Even mentioning this archetypal form outside the walls of Plato’s academy…

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Cosmic Proportions

Earth Moon and Phi

The physical sizes of Earth and Moon are encoded into the proportions and measurements we commonly use in our daily lives.  From Renaissance artists to 21st century school teachers, we all use these cosmic proportions.  Very few are cognizant of their underlying meaning. If our Moon sat directly tangent to Earth, these are the proportions that arise.  The circumference of the circle is equal to the perimeter of the square to 99.97% accuracy according to NASA’s own data. The Great Pyramid’s dimensions can be broken down to 7 high, and 11 across.  The perimeter of the base equals the circumference of a circle whose radius is equal to the height of the pyramid. The Moon and Earth can be summed up amazingly well using the numbers 3 and 11.  Maybe that punk rock band understood these sacred geometrical concepts and hid it in their name.

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Comfortably Numbered

Fibonacci Pi Earth Moon Sun

The imperial system (miles, feet, yards, furlongs, nautical miles, etc) seems to resonate with repeating sixes.  Earth’s diameter is  6!+6!+6!+6!+6!+6!+6!+6!+6!+6!+6! miles.  6! is pronounced “six factorial” and is simply (1x2x3x4x5x6), which equals 720. The Moon’s diameter is 6! + 6! + 6! miles (2160).  Six-sixty-six is the number of the beast.  No number is inherently evil, but if you had to pick one it would definitely have to be six, which is why the word ‘hex’, means six. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666) –  The combined mean diameters of Earth and Moon, in miles, is equal to (six multiplied together nine times) divided by one thousand.  According to NASA this is % accurate.  With the polar or equatorial diameters, the correlation is still…

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(Phi)ve and the Fibonacci Sequence

We are fractal beings of nature. We have five extremities, each having five fingers or five toes. Our heads have five openings, two nostrils, two ears, and one mouth. The essence of five creates (phi)ve. The Fibonacci Sequence. the Golden Mean, Divine Proportion, 1.618…. Ubiquitous to our existence, this ratio is the seed of life and the key to understanding how nature operates. The Fibonacci Sequence and the golden number, Phi(and phee) are closely related to the number five. The flower of every edible fruit has five petals.  We are frugivorous by nature and the apple is the forbidden fruit. Cut one in half at its equator to reveal a pentagram of five seeds. Five is found wherever there is life, and wherever there is life there is (phi)ve. “Man is born of the stars. With the 5 extremities from his torso and his 5 material…

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Synergistic Mathemagics in the Solar System

We are more than coincidence

The way we measure space and time is based on a synergistic and mathemagical canon of number that’s intrinsic to our solar system as well as the proportions of man.  As above so below. It just so happens that the Moon’s diameter is almost exactly 2160 miles (99.99+%), the same amount of degrees on the surface of a cube.  Earth’s circumference at the equator is almost exactly 21,600 nautical miles. (99.9+%) The Earth and Moon ‘square the circle‘ Square the Circle: The Moon is the perfect size to solve the riddle. It’s huge in fact, larger than any other in proportion to its planet. Some say we have a double planet system. The Moon is 27.3% the size of Earth. It also happens to take 27.3 days to complete an orbit around Earth. Need I point out the fact that the Moon influences our emotions. Women’s menstruation cycles last…

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Fibonacci Patterns

“Phi” and the Fibonacci Sequence, which is the seed that creates it, is ubiquitous in Nature. It’s found in modern design and ancient architecture. The Earth and Moon relationship as well as the Great Pyramid of Giza encode Phi. The spiral of the Milky Way down to the very essence of our DNA is a language written in this mathe-magical ratio, an intelligent construct and compass of our holofractographic reality. It was literally called the ‘Divine Proportion’ by Plato and his buddies. Lets just say that the golden mean, ø, the golden ratio, whatever you wanna call it, is the mathematical basis for intelligence, the root of all creation. Hidden in the Fibonacci Sequence, a few patterns emerge. Unbeknownst to most, and most likely canonized as sacred by the select few who were endowed with such esoteric gnosis, the sequence reveals a pattern of…

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