Water: It’s a Mystery

Water is the most common substance known to man and also the most mysterious.  The list of anomalies associated with it runs as long as the ocean is deep.  Modern science has ignored this seemingly simple molecule, dismissing any qualities beyond the materialistic as pseudoscience and new age baloney.  Water is central to life and more than its mere chemical makeup.  Today nobody really understands it.  Water is the ultimate mystery.

Any substance can exist in three different physical forms; solid, liquid and gas. Water is the only substance on earth that naturally occurs in all three states.

As a gas it is one of lightest known, as a liquid it is much denser than expected and as a solid it is much lighter than expected.

Unlike other liquids, water expands when frozen. Yet, while frozen, weighs around 9% less than water which is why ice floats. All other liquids shrink (become more dense) when freezing instead of less dense. In general, it is extremely unusual for the solid phase of a substance to be less dense than its liquid phase, but lucky for aquatic life it is, since ice floats on top of oceans and lakes and allows fish to live.

“Water is the most extraordinary substance! Practically all its properties are anomalous…’ ∼   Albert Szent-Georgi, 1893-1986

The Mpemba Effect, named after Erasto Mpemba, is the observation that warmer water can freeze faster than colder water, which is kind of weird.

Even stranger, to burn anything whatsoever, there has to be at least some quantity of water.  Water particles have been removed from gasoline, and the gasoline doesn’t burn.  The idea of running automobile engines solely on water may not sound as ludicrous now, in light of this little known fact. 

Ever notice that ice cubes float in your drink? That is because water gets more dense as it cools until it reaches about 4°C, (39.2°F). Below that temperature ice gets less dense as it cools.

As water gets warmer and warmer, it also gets more and more dense. But then unexpectedly, at 39.2° Fahrenheit, it changes it's mind and does the opposite, now getting less and less dense, which is why ice floats.

As water gets warmer and warmer, it also gets more and more dense. But then unexpectedly, at 39.2° Fahrenheit, it changes it’s mind and does the opposite, now getting less and less dense, which is why ice floats.

Because of this, bodies of water such as lakes and bays freeze at the surface. This allows aquatic life to survive the winter. The ice that freezes on the surface insulates the water below so it stays warmer. In general, it is extremely unusual for the solid phase of a substance to be less dense than its liquid phase, but lucky for life water likes to be different.

Absolute zero is supposedly the coldest it gets.  Measured at -273.2 C, this number resonates with geometry and the Moon, which is so influential to our tides and moods.

moon mystery sidereal moonth

Water resonates with geometry, and the size and orbital period of our Moon

Gasses expand by 1/273.2 of their volume with every degree on the Celsius/centigrade scale, including water.
The sidereal month and day of the Moon is 27.32 days. (sidereal, meaning measured by looking at the stars in the background).

Absolute Zero

Absolute Zero is -273.2º C

If you circumscribe a circle within a square and compare the area outside the circle to the area of the circle as a ratio it will equal .2732      ( 4-π) / 4 = .2732

Water 180º Tetrahedron

The molecular composition of water is reflected in the Fahrenheit scale

Water is tetrahedral in its molecular composition. The sides of a tetrahedron are triangles and made up of 180°.  The boiling point minus the freezing point of water equals 180°.  Coincidence? Or does the Fahrenheit scale encode its molecular composition?

Of any other individual, it was probably Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) who understood water the best.  In his day he was called the ‘Water Wizard’ and had a deep understanding of nature, and water’s essential role.  He regarded water as a sacred organism.  He considered it the blood of Mother Earth.

Rather than exploring the explosive methods of energy production, Viktor focuses on the non-destructive ways that nature operates.   Implosion, rather than our asinine methods of explosion.  Fusion instead of fission.  Nature always knows best.

viktor shauberger

Viktor Schauberger –  The Water Magician

Viktor Schauberger (30 June 1885 – 25 September 1958) was born in Austria of a long line of foresters stretching back some four hundred years. He developed a gift for accurate and intuitive observation so great that he was able to perceive the natural energies and other phenomena occurring in Nature, which are still unrecognised by orthodox science. Refusing to attend University at the age of 18, to the fury of his father, Viktor Schauberger left home and spent a long period alone in the high, remote forest, contemplating, pondering and observing any subtle energetic processes taking place in Nature’s laboratory, where they were still undisturbed by human hand. During this period he developed very profound and radical theories, later to be confirmed practically, concerning water, the energies inherent in it and its desired natural form of motion. These eventually earned him the name of ‘The Water Wizard’.  -Callum Coats ‘The Water Wizard’

“From my earliest childhood it was my greatest ambition to become a forest warden like my father, grandfather, great grandfather and his father before him”  -Viktor Schauberger

“Our primeval Mother Earth is an organism that no science in the world can rationalize. Everything on her that crawls and flies is dependent upon Her and all must hopelessly perish if that Earth dies that feeds us.”  -Viktor Schauberger

“The Upholder of the Cycles which supports the whole of Life, is water. In every drop of water dwells the Godhead, whom we all serve; there also dwells Life, the Soul of the First substance – Water – whose boundaries and banks are the capillaries that guide it and in which it circulates. More energy is encapsulated in every drop of good spring water than an average-sized Power Station is presently able to produce.”   -Viktor Schauberger

Viktor spent the greater proportion of his life observing and learning from nature.   His insights and applications were 100 years ahead of his time.  Largely forgotten, his work deserves far greater recognition.  The technology he employed generating power and motion that worked in harmony with nature in that they did not produce toxic emissions. For Viktor nature was the foremost teacher in that the task of technology is not to correct nature but to imitate it, ‘kapieren und kopieren’ was the moddo that guided him throughout his life, ‘first understand nature and then copy it.’

Viktor Schauberger

Water and its vital interaction with the forest was Viktor’s principal preoccupation. He viewed water as a living entity, the ‘Blood of Mother-Earth’,
which is born in the womb of the forest. Our mechanistic, materialistic and extremely superficial way of looking at things, however, prevents us from considering water to be anything other than inorganic, i.e. supposedly without life but, while apparently having no life itself, can nevertheless miraculously create life in all its forms. Life is movement and is epitomised by water, which is in a constant state of motion and transformation, both externally and internally. In confirmation of this fact, water is able to combine with more substances than any other molecule and, flowing as water, sap and blood, is the creator of the myriad life-forms on this planet. How then could it ever be construed as life-less   -Callum Coats ‘The Water Wizard’

Water is more buoyant at night under the moon and moves faster when it is colder.  For these reasons Viktor only moved logs in the forest at night using his custom designed log flume.   He realized that water traveled in a vortex and the center of the vortex is the coolest.  Temperature is critical when it comes to ecology.  The temperature of water is most happy as 4º C. or 39.2º F, it’s anomalous point, where it changes density.  Cool water is happy water.

Viktor Schauberger made an extraordinary contribution to knowledge of the natural world.  His understanding was built up from shamanic and experiential observation of Nature in the untamed Alpine wilderness.  Viktor understood that mother nature knows best.

As liquid water is so common-place in our everyday lives, it is often regarded as a ‘typical’ liquid. In reality, water is most atypical as a liquid, behaving as a quite different material at low temperatures to that when it is hot. It has often been stated that life depends on these anomalous properties of water.

Dr. Gerald Pollack talks about the Fourth Phase of Water, which exists between the solid and liquid phase.

phases of water gerald pollack

According to Ayurveda, water stored in a copper vessel has the ability to balance all the three doshas in your body, (vata, kapha and pitta) and it does so by positively charging the water. The water stored in a copper vessel is known as ‘tamara jal’.  Viktor also understood the importance copper plays, always recommending farm tools be made of this salubrious metal.

water copper

The late Masaru Emoto tested frozen water molecules and found they had ‘memory’.  This has largely been blown off by the mainstream as pseudoscience, but in light of all the other phenomena associated with water there is certainly merit in its investigation.

Some Anomalies of Water:
•Water has unusually high melting point
•Water has unusually high boiling point
•Water has unusually high critical point
•Solid water exists in a wider variety of stable (and metastable) crystal and amorphous structures than other materials
•The thermal conductivity of ice reduces with increasing pressure
•The structure of liquid water changes at high pressure
•Supercooled water has two phases and a second critical point at about -91 °C
•Liquid water is easily supercooled but glassified with difficulty
•Liquid water exists at very low temperatures and freezes on heating
•Liquid water may be easily superheated
•Hot water may freeze faster than cold water; the Mpemba effect
•Warm water vibrates longer than cold water
•Water molecules shrink as the temperature rises and expand as the pressure increases
•The dielectric value of pure water is 81 and is therefore 81 times more effective as a charge separator than a vacuum and almost the highest dielectric value there is. It may not be surprising that the Moon, which so heavily influences water, is linked to this number 81.

Mass of Earth and Moon 1:81

Water is essential to our existence and is heavily influenced by the Moon.  Earth is 81 times more massive than our natural satellite according to NASA.

1 divided by 81 reveals all numbers in existence through decimal expansion.  It was Peter Plichta, a german born physicist and chemist, that cracked this numeric code of our decimal based reality.

The Decimal System

The Decimal System

There are also exactly 81 stable elements on the periodic table.  Technetium (43), and Promethium (61) don’t technically count because they can’t be found in nature without human intervention.

Other anomalies:

•Water has unusually high surface tension and can bounce.
•Water has unusually high viscosity.
•Water has unusually high heat of vaporization.
•Water shrinks on melting.
•Water has a high density that increases on heating (up to 3.984°C).
•The number of nearest neighbors increases on melting.
•The number of nearest neighbors increases with temperature.
•Pressure reduces its melting point (13.35 MPa gives a melting point of -1°C)
•Pressure reduces the temperature of maximum density.
•D2O and T2O differ from H2O in their physical properties much more than might be expected from their increased mass; •e.g. they have increasing temperatures of maximum density (11.185°C and 13.4°C respectively).
•Water shows an unusually large viscosity increase but diffusion decrease as the temperature is lowered.
•Water’s viscosity decreases with pressure (at temperatures below 33°C).
•Water has unusually low compressibility.
•The compressibility drops as temperature increases down to a minimum at about 46.5°C. Below this temperature, water is easier to compress as the temperature is lowered.
•Water has a low coefficient of expansion (thermal expansivity).
•Water’s thermal expansivity reduces increasingly (becoming negative) at low temperatures.
•The speed of sound increases with temperature (up to a maximum at 74°C).
•Water has over twice the specific heat capacity of ice or steam.
•The specific heat capacity (CP and CV) is unusually high.
•Specific heat capacity; CP has a minimum.
•NMR spin-lattice relaxation time is very small at low temperatures.
•Solutes have varying effects on properties such as density and viscosity.
•None of its solutions even approach thermodynamic ideality; even D2O in H2O is not ideal.
•X-ray diffraction shows an unusually detailed structure.
•Supercooled water has two phases and a second critical point at about -91°C.
•Liquid water may be supercooled, in tiny droplets, down to about -70°C. It may also be produced from glassy amorphous ice between -123°C and – 149°C [74] and may coexist with cubic ice up to -63°C [137].
•Solid water exists in a wider variety of stable (and metastable) crystal and amorphous structures than other materials.
•Hot water may freeze faster than cold water; the Mpemba effect.
•The refractive index of water has a maximum value at just below 0°C.
•The solubilities of non-polar gases in water decrease with temperature to a minimum and then rise.
•At low temperatures, the self-diffusion of water increases as the density and pressure increase.
•The thermal conductivity of water is high and rises to a maximum at about 130°C.
•Proton and hydroxide ion mobilities are anomalously fast in an electric field
•The heat of fusion of water with temperature exhibits a maximum at -17°C [15].
•The dielectric constant is high and behaves anomalously with temperature.
•Under high pressure water molecules move further away from each other with increasing pressure.
•The electrical conductivity of water rises to a maximum at about 230°C and then falls.
•Warm water vibrates longer than cold water.

Let’s take a look at the geometry of the water droplet..

Geometry of the Water Droplet

The Geometry of the Water Droplet

Water droplet rings expand by the fourth root of π
The circumference of any ring is the diameter of four rings out
The circumference of the red ring equals the diameter of the blue ring.

Water is central to our existence, and its study, paramount in comprehending nature.  Water technology is now surfacing that’s built upon the work of Schauberger and Winter which incorporates golden ratios and phase-conjugate magnets to give life to stale juvenile water.

“Water does not have the characteristics of the living, but without water there is no life. Water does not have the expressions of life ( growth,fertilization, reproduction, metamorphosis, nourishment,metabolism and so on), but these all only become possible through water.  By renouncing every self quality it becomes the creative substance for the generation of all forms. By renouncing every life of it’s own it becomes the primal substance for all life. By renouncing every fixed substance it becomes the carrier of all substance transformation. By renouncing every rhythm of it’s own it becomes the carrier of each and every rhythm.”  -Quote from “Understanding Water” by Andreas Wilkens, Michael Jacobi, Wolfram Schwenk

Water is mystical and essential to life.  We may never fully understand it and the key roles it plays in all lifeforms, but we can attempt to comprehend its magical properties.  H20 is sometimes said to be alien to Earth, considering it is so weird and does such unexpected things, but without it, life can’t exist.  And without life there’s no reason to question it, and therefore no way to stand befuddled in its profound mystery.

Extreme Electrical Potential of Water

Water – The Magic Source of Life

Lifeblood of Earth – Borderland Research

Fish Swimming – Art of Nature

Phase Anomalies

Living Energies

Living Water


Hidden Nature

Viktor Schauberger

Water & Schauberger Playlist – Youtube


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Joe Dubs

I write about philosophy, geometry, health, politics and other stuff that interests me.



  2. Not all water is the same!!
    Drink Kangen Water!

  3. Pingback: How to Not Smell Bad And Feel Better At The Same Time!!! – yousmellbad.org

  4. Pingback: How To Heal – You Smell Bad

  5. Hi Andresakis, can you explain more about water and ourselves not being born or having a true death?

    Is this related to the physicists who talk about time not being something that “runs out” but rather something that just exists? It’s just us who experience time in a sequential fashion. But the time we consider to be in the “past” still exists and the time that exists in the “future” also already exists.

    I mean it kind of gets into territory about religion and free choice and all which is very uncomfortable for people to think about.

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