Squaring the Circle

Square the Circle

Squaring the circle is the age old problem of constructing a square with the same area(or perimeter) as the circle. Greek mathematicians attempted to solve this ancient riddle using a ruler and compass only. Due to the transcendental nature of π we can only approximate this geometry.  Earth, Moon, the Great Pyramid, and Stonehenge all encode this great philosophical quandary. Stonehenge encodes the squared circle through its bluestones, named so because when it rains they turn blue.  If we draw a square around this circle of stones it will have the same perimeter as the sarsen ring of stones on the very outside.  The ancients preserved esoteric gnosis in their sacred buildings as a way to ensure that the information would never be lost or occulted by the greed of mortal men. “ A tradition which has been credited by many learned men over the centuries is that…

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Quicksilver and Gaia

Mercury Earth geometry

Delivering a swift blow to the accidental and nihilistic paradigm of existence, synchronistic correlations in the cosmos break the already crumbling model of mainstream cosmogony.  The physical sizes of Earth and Mercury (Gaia and Quicksilver) are in proportion to their mean orbits. Just another ‘coincidence’ to add to the akashic records of synchronicity… or reflective of an intelligent, creative, and loving cosmogonic principle, where we are not the result of some ‘big bang’ that sprang from nothing, for no particular reason, at no point in time (since it ostensibly created time) “ Where plants have five-fold patterns, a consideration of their Souls is in place. For patterns of five appear in the regular solids, and so involve the ratio called the Golden Section, which results from a self-developing series that is an image of the faculty of propagation in plants. Thus the flower carries…

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The 2732 Moon Mystery

moon mystery sidereal moonth

It’s curious that the Moon has such an influence on the oceans, which are made of water. And water’s boiling point is 273.2 % higher than its freezing point. We are something like 80% water. The Moon is said to influence our emotions. Especially females. Women menstruate every full moon. Menstruation (menstrualis) literally translates to “monthly”. And “month” of course come from “moon”. Each ‘moonth’ lasts one full moon which is 29.53 days or 27.32 sidereal days(measured upon the background stars) 2732 encoded in “Squaring the Circle”

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